For me, there's nothing wrong with this. So if you can't stomach this then don't read it... You're gonna tell me Imma pedo, then I'm telling you that i somehow respect japan's age of consent and it's 13 yrs old, don't put your country's age of consent here, WTH- pickin' up a fight against this manga's content though already read it until this chapter... *Sigh*

I mean though, it depends on the place and law that states the legal or adult age. If Japan feels a 13 yr old is no longer a child,then nothing you say change it. If another place says below 20 is considered "not an adult", then to them, attraction to such person is considered pedophila. To you, because your country probably states under 16 or 18 illegal doesn't mean other pple think like that. I hope this explains the consent topic too.

It's the same thing. To give a person the right to think about and give consent to something as important and pertinent to their lives as sexual relations and responsibility to that, I don't think you can call that person a child. They think 13yr olds are very capable. But now, that's in Japan. In a place where legal age is 16 or 18, they still think below that age,you're a child but above it, you aren't. Idk if you understand what I'm saying,but you really can't call it pedophilia when it's literally legal in a specific place.

Replied to Gay bitch... No, I'm not defending pedophilia... What I'm saying here if you really respect every country's age of consent, you will understand what I want to say, Do I need to have a comeback to a person who can't respect other country's age of consent? Even if I have a comeback do you think you will understand What my point is? by saying that Im leaching to someone elses answer, it's an evidence that you can't understand why I said "That's my point"... anime1mp already explain what I want to say, what do you want me to do, should I repeat it to you? Blocking me to make sure I can't reply to your comments?
I Can't wait for the next updates!!!ヾ(☆▽☆)