Yammy December 25, 2016 7:32 pm

Love the author and wish she made more series unless we don't have any updates available for here. I'd love to see more of her works in the future as I miss her wit and humor.

Yammy December 24, 2016 8:35 am

Am I the only one who felt moved by All Might, their fatherly/hero figure, comforting Kacchan and giving them advice after letting them fight it out a bit while confessing they're inner turmoil that was in need to air out. I was moved and need those fatherly moments every once in a while from All Might for these guys.
Anyhow really hope to see their bond strengthen after All Might pointing out they need each other in the end after pouring themselves out like that. Wow what a breakthrough.

Yammy December 18, 2016 6:48 am

My word I thought there would be another misunderstanding and end up trying to regain that trust again just after Jaerim confessed he wouldn't leave Yuri. Yuri has trust issues, so I can see why he would run after witnessing that scene and high tale, scared to confront it by running away. Because its what he did before, run away from his problems. I noticed he is similar to a friend of mine, always waiting for someone important to betray them because they are sensitive to trust. Its a huge step for someone who feels broken and vulnerable but this was a fight or flight moment and once Dong Gyung jumped in, my thoughts were screaming "TELL HIM TO GO BACK!!" And he did. So happy that happened and he rushed back for Jaerim who was close to giving up on Yuri and feeling emotionally unstable.
So all hail Dong Gyung for stopping Yuri before it was too late. I was nervous about this chapter but Goddess I love this series so much, I am addicted even if the characters are emotional hurt or struggling, they are my precious lovebirds.

    Anonymous December 18, 2016 7:48 am

    All hail Song Gyung!

Yammy December 9, 2016 11:53 pm

This never fails to make me laugh. However everytime I share a part of the manga after reading it to my sister she always gets the penis stories. LMAO.

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