Start was good but the latest chapter meh. I hate it. Hate it so much. She was a confident girl but you made her blush for every little thing he did??? Fck.

Yuyu66 created a topic of Dangerous Convenience Store

I marinated this for damn long despite me loving the first season.

... that was until the last chap of 2nd season. Oh how I hate it all. I feel like eui joon didnt deserve to be left like that, for all reason exist. He's just too pire, innocent, lovable, selfless, and understanding. He could have just made reasons to justify ahjussi's actions if only they talked about it.

But yeah, i also think it's nice for them to sort out their feelings, letting it more deep rooted in their hearts.

Yuyu66 created a topic of The Nameless Flower

I did not expect that bitter ending like–THAT IS SO BITTER TT

Do you really have to hit me that hard with the "memories should stay as memories".


Yuyu66 created a topic of A Room Without Window

It was so sad.... gitae's life is tragic as he was used by others but i cried when i see that chapter of jihoon's life. It must be so.... lonely. Quiet. You'll feel like you wont live anymore because whats the point anyway.

But huhu, shout out to jihoon for ensuring those lonely night alone!

I'm a softie when it comes to child abandonment but i cant say i hate the mother for doing that.
As we read gitae and jihoons' life together, i thought, "oh... the mother must have felt lonely without her husband."
Sure she has jihoon but jihoon is a child, a human being she couldn't share any burden with and passionate night. She was lonely as she had a life outside before while jihoon had not (so he could endure it stronger than her mom cause he knew nothing about the joy of outside world).

I cried a little. I imagined myself as jihoon and dont think i could survive for 9 years. No one to talk to. No sound. No hobbies. Nothing.

This is gooooddd

I HATE THE EMPEROR AND ITS UNDERLINGS. Theyd be doing everything they want and cause trouble to others. Id love to read more but i dont think im up to feel rage within me, so ill drop this.

Yuyu66 created a topic of My Hyung's Omega


Yuyu66 asked a question

Help me find more titles to regression idol manhwa like debut or die and debut as the youngest member!

But i kinda hope how mangaka explore more how kazuha can be convinced to be in this relationship. I kinda feel disappointed when i know it only took less than 5/6 short chapters to convince kazuha into this relationship.

Suuuureee i want them together already, but i want to enjoy them understanding e/o in the process. Like what "does age gap really matter? Ily so much i want to date you right now" what. For me, hearing that only makes me feel more insecure.... like "we only met less than a month and you are THIS persistent to be with me? Are you serious? What made it? Are you interested with divorcee women or something?"
I mean, i know it's complicated but if you consider kazuha's bg from the 9 years relationship, it's not really weird for her to think like that.

Sigh.... mangaka please dont rush to the sex part and take your time to explore kazuha's feelings more.....

The beginning is cliche, i know that. But how the story unfold is quite interesting. How ayla and frede slowly took their time to get to know each other. It's still cliche BUT i love the part when both of them understood how they need the divorce and it's worked!

Yuyu66 created a topic of Non-Refundable Alpha


He knew what he's got into. He even knew jaewon's wild life and STILL WANT TO GET MARRIED WITH HIM. Lol. If that aint delusional, idk what else.
They both deserve each other. Altho cant say if jaewon loved junhee back, but i can tell they're crazy about e/o to the point jaewon PUT UP with the whole children thing, lmao.

So funny. It's intended to be unserious so eat it up.

Yuyu66 created a topic of For The Beautiful Juliet

I know fl is so selfish, but so is the ml. God. It will be so frustrating in rl.

But yk, i cant hate those two. As juliet said, what ml did is selfishness. He sure does love her but in selfish way. How do you expect fl to return that kind of love. To add that, the misunderstanding....

I cant really blame juliet too. I mean, she was raised a spoiled princess... sure is her desire never end.

I'm in for more drama.

Yuyu66 asked a question

Please give me more heart wrenching (tragedy/drama) stories.... anything like My Beloved Oppressor or like that Thy name something....


Yuyu66 created a topic of Regas


It doesnt sit well with me with how many people are being hurt by eri. She's so dilly dally and i mean yeah its okay if only you do not drag other people in it (in this case kyo the bf).

Thankfully author seems to know what they're doing by hinting how annoying eri is by 3rd person pov.
Kisaki dialogue "how annoying"
Black hair girl dialogue "if she's that earnest she should start treating his bf better"
And how sometimes kyo feeling left out

Yuyu66 asked a question

I need shitty romance with good redemption arc please!

Yuyu66 created a topic of High Society

I'm okay till the latest chapter. It's not that uncomfortable to read.

The thing is, for me, I'm feeling uncomfortable reading ML who forced FL in any way till FL cant say no (like other manhwa did i forgot the titles). Caesar did not do that however. He's shit, sure, but he simply let FL do whatever she wants because he doesn't care tbh lol.
Instead, I'm uncomfortable with the chairwoman. FL looks like a pushover around her.

To add that, I love how each characters has consistent personality (except lucrezia cause i feel like author can do more with her).

My point is, I still can continue reading this lol. I lost my expectation after caesar stepped on adele's foot.

Yuyu66 created a topic of Be My Baby

And I'm here for it. Author really intend to make this manhwa comedic, lol.

Yuyu66 created a topic of Miniamaru Kareshi

I'm back to this manga. I really love their dynamic. Although i cant say their relationship is the best but i really like how they respect and love each other. Drama plots are like any other shoujo mangas but i like how iroha and haruki both tried their best not to hurt each other.

What should I do if it's supposed to be a sad story yet they're flirting to each other