Being a big fan of Karl Jung, I was excited to take the online Meyers Briggs Personality Type test. This was several years ago. Hopefully they've adjusted it because almost everyone I know who has ever taken the online version, including myself, got the same result: INTP. I know a lot of people who in no way resemble an INTP personality who got ......
I actually thought far more people understood this story better than I do, but I've seen quite a lot of people confused about this story. I'm just gonna say it: It's kinda weird AND confusing, but give me some time, read this comment, just based on what I know and noticed. Shirotani had some weird relationship with his dad, and that can be thought......
I am still a virgin too (and a girl). I am a pervert, i love seeing people having sex but i'm scared of sex. Imagine, you're naked and having someone touching, kissing and then penetrating your body. It scares me somehow. That's why eventhough i love men (and porn) but i don't want to go further to have a relationship with someone. I think i also h......
What's your myer's briggs?