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Special extras: 6 chapters [CH 74 to CH 79]
There’s not really a plot, more like a misunderstanding because of Kirin’s ex. So Kang Moo’s “relationships”, before Kirin, were always transient...more like he only slept with the same person once and that’s it, the people were merely objects so he could fulfill his desires, whereas for Kirin (who is a normal human being) his ex girlfriends were meaningful to him, he treated them right and stayed friends with them even after breaking up. This is something Moo can’t understand and gets super jealous/possessive when Kirin’s ex shows up and wants to have an amicable chat with Kirin.
Kirin tells Moo that he’s different from other people he dated (something along these lines): because with him there are only two options they either stay together forever or die together.
Anyway, they made up in the end, Moo will have to move (for some time) to another city bc of work so he won’t be home often, then you see Kirin missing him, asking himself why the bed is so big lol, driving 1h and a half in the middle of the night to meet him with the excuse that he couldn’t sleep and kiss him.
Then they go on a trip and here Kirin gifts Moo with a necklace with a GPS tracker (the same one Moo gave to Kirin after Kirin’s watch was broken) telling him that it’s fair that Kirin should also know Moo’s whereabouts (reminder: even after Seorin’s case is closed Kirin still has bodyguards hired by Moo 24/7) and then they have sex.
Author’s Answer on Kirin/Moo’s relationship: “The reason Kirin is with Kangmu is because it is oalready a community of fate. Both Kangmu and Kirin are the only and necessary beings of each other. Of course, Kirin loves Kangmu and that is one of the reasons. It can be said that the reason for being a common destiny is bigger than feelings”
NEW EXTRA featured in TBMD EBOOK [on Ridi*books]
The new extra is with Kirin and Kang Moo in their early 30s so it continues from the end of the special extras.
You see Kang Moo wearing the necklace Kirin gave him and keep on working as a forensic doctor and he became quite famous bc of his skills in finding the killers etc
Anyway, he has a new murder case and the killer was the one who kidnapped Kirin.
The killer this time is known as the “florist killer” because he puts flowers/plants in the mouth of his victims. Anyway he has a grudge against Kang Moo, because the latter while being interviewed by a reporter about the case he called this florist killer impotent lmao and bc of this the florist killer went on a revenge mission.
So he stalked Kirin and disguised himself as the delivery guy, he asked Kirin to take a package and caught him off guard and kidnapped.
The bodyguard tells Kang Moo he lost Kirin because he didn’t pay attention to the building’s entrance basically the spot where the “delivery man” parked his car and chatted with Kirin.
Moving onwards, you see Kang Moo a la NCSI tv series trying to figure out who the killer is and most importantly the location where he holds Kirin hostage. Meanwhile doing this Kang Moo thinks “ If Kirin dies..what will happen to me? If I don’t have my break anymore, will I go on a killing spree?...I’m sure that I’ll be sorry/regret his death...for a briefly moment..that’s it...but Kirin is not dead yet!” — and then he puts his mind in the game and finds the culprit.
When he finds Kirin, this one is tied up to a bed and before untying him KM says something like “this would be a nice play to try in the bedroom” at this Kirin is like “ stop talking nonsense and untie me”
After this Kang Moo takes the killer into a basement and turn hims basically into a vegetable lol [he doesn’t kill him though] —> he performs a transorbital lobotomy
When everything is settled, you see the reporter trying to get another interview from Kang Moo whereas this one is like “ talk to Detective Nam he was the leader of the mission” and flees away
Here the link for the TBMD ebook https://ridibooks.com/books/297033680
IF you want to buy it, remember to buy ONLY VOL 10 because at the end of this volume it’s the new extra which won’t be translated on Lezhin US. Apart from this, everything stays the same.
How to read the ebook on Ridibooks?
Here a tutorial https://wheretokim.com/how-to-sign-up-for-ridibooks/