Holy Crappu♡ July 23, 2018 8:15 am

well said sun jing! xD

    Heavensrun July 23, 2018 6:22 pm

    Eeeh, technically she just outed Qiu Tong to the internet and who knows how many of her own classmates, which is kinda not cool?

    I mean I give a lot of latitude to kids doing stupid things, so I don't hold it against her, but we readers should definitely be aware that this is not okay. ;p

    notyurinotinterested July 23, 2018 8:21 pm
    Eeeh, technically she just outed Qiu Tong to the internet and who knows how many of her own classmates, which is kinda not cool?I mean I give a lot of latitude to kids doing stupid things, so I don't hold it ag... Heavensrun

    Her class was on a trip, though, weren't they? So none of them would've seen it.

    Heavensrun July 23, 2018 9:01 pm
    Her class was on a trip, though, weren't they? So none of them would've seen it. notyurinotinterested

    They are literally surrounded by her classmates right now. The guy streaming is one of them, as is everyone in earshot. They came there in a bus full of them and are standing in a large crowd of them. Also, depending on where he streams, the stream may be archived for later viewing and people might watch it later, and if THAT happens, it's almost definitely going to get passed around. I wouldn't be surprised if the entire school knows about Sun Jing and Qiu Tong by the next day.

    Heavensrun July 23, 2018 9:07 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! Lons

    That doesn't make it okay, that just provides one possible out if she's lucky. Meanwhile if this gets back around to QT's parents or their teachers, one or both of them could be in for a miserable time of things. There's a fair bit of prejudice about LGBT issues in China. Like legitimate legal prejudice by the government.

    I don't think that's the kind of story Tan Jiu wants to tell (In fact I think she's actively avoiding it) But in the real world, it's a serious concern, which is the point I was driving at.

    PS4K July 23, 2018 11:38 pm
    That doesn't make it okay, that just provides one possible out if she's lucky. Meanwhile if this gets back around to QT's parents or their teachers, one or both of them could be in for a miserable time of thin... Heavensrun

    yes and no.
    China, it's the country where officially everything is forbidden but unofficially everything is authorized!

    You would be shocked of numbers of gays and lesbians bars which there is over there.
    PS:Moreover,the two daughters of the first or second fortune of china are officially lesbians.

    notyurinotinterested July 24, 2018 2:10 am
    yes and no.China, it's the country where officially everything is forbidden but unofficially everything is authorized!You would be shocked of numbers of gays and lesbians bars which there is over there.PS:Moreo... PS4K

    Ah, that makes sense.

    Heavensrun July 24, 2018 12:22 pm
    yes and no.China, it's the country where officially everything is forbidden but unofficially everything is authorized!You would be shocked of numbers of gays and lesbians bars which there is over there.PS:Moreo... PS4K

    It still -doesn't matter-, though. The fact is that descrimination happens, there are people who are suffering ill consequences because their homosexuality is known to their families or school, and it isn't Sun Jing's place to out Qiu Tong without her permission. Like I said, I don't hold it against her personally, but readers should know no matter how much you adore your girlfriend or how proud you are of your relationship, you shouldn't just expose it to whoever you want on a whim. The other person deserves to be part of that decision.

    It might well be that QT is okay with it, and awesome, -then- they should be loud and proud, but Sun Jing shouldn't just make that decision without her.

    notyurinotinterested July 24, 2018 3:43 pm
    It still -doesn't matter-, though. The fact is that descrimination happens, there are people who are suffering ill consequences because their homosexuality is known to their families or school, and it isn't Su... Heavensrun

    It's possible that previous conversation about it occurred offscreen. This series just shows bits and pieces of their lives.

    Heavensrun July 26, 2018 3:32 pm
    It's possible that previous conversation about it occurred offscreen. This series just shows bits and pieces of their lives. notyurinotinterested

    We haven't seen that, though, and literally the entire point of my post is "Hey, by the way guys, don't do this to people", so I don't think it really matters. I already said I'm not judging SJ as a person/character for it either way.

    notyurinotinterested July 26, 2018 10:33 pm
    We haven't seen that, though, and literally the entire point of my post is "Hey, by the way guys, don't do this to people", so I don't think it really matters. I already said I'm not judging SJ as a person/cha... Heavensrun

    Oh ok

Holy Crappu♡ July 19, 2018 1:26 pm

akihito is a guy right? so there's gay couple too huh. cool

    Demon.Qu3en September 23, 2018 4:13 pm

    Which chapter was he in? I forgot T-T

Holy Crappu♡ July 17, 2018 5:56 pm

uhh sure, you're just RAPING someone.
and i saw the raws now so....


Holy Crappu♡ July 14, 2018 3:24 am

i want to slap that damn kid tbh and that wahmen she looks like his mother.. i can smell new victim this season.

Negan♡Rick June 29, 2018 8:21 am

i'm excited and afraid of how things are calm in this season.. XD
every time bum looks so happy i can't help but think 'not for long' T u T

Negan♡Rick June 12, 2018 9:17 pm

wtf?! SASHA?!
I thought it's got to be jean cuz he's the one near with gabby from the previous cliffhanger WTF
noooooooooooooooooooo T__________T

Negan♡Rick May 17, 2018 10:35 am

omg! i love the chopstick chapter!! When kotaro saw baby ryu pictures and goshing over it aaaaaaaaaaaaahhh!!!! THEY ARE SO CUTE BROTHERS FUCKK MY HEART!!!!!

Negan♡Rick April 27, 2018 1:19 pm

i love this, i hope they can provide us translation for volume 2;;; [] ;; i saw few pages of raws hnggghhhh really.. this is so well written and anyone can really relate this in real life..

i actually didn't read the tags, i just clicked on this cuz of the other yaoi works from this mangaka.. didn't know it has shoujo too until someone pointed out on comments xD
it was fine! so much angst in every characters, not yet with masaki tho aaahhh

Negan♡Rick April 13, 2018 2:20 pm

wtf? now the bully is still alive and now helps ? i don't want to forgive her for what she had done to the mc >:/

Negan♡Rick April 1, 2018 6:08 am

oh my hahah anesan is fuckn' not calm of the situation, now that's what i've been waiting to know!! i feel sad for her, she must've insecurities too..

btw hahah the man on the last page, looks a lot like HANNIBAL xD

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