Zabkooo December 15, 2018 2:57 am

It somehow seems like the "seme" is projecting himself onto the uke. It looks as though he's trying to "save" him. But not essentially for the wellbeeing of the uke but more for his own. It's like what he thinks he would have needed for himself, and now tries to realize with the help of the uke.
I don't think the "seme" does this because he has feelings for the uke nor because he really wants to help. It seems more like he wants the uke to admit that he has been thrown away so that he can reassure himself, that he himsef doesn't love nor need the abuser anymore. For me it appears as if the "seme" himself isn't freed from the claws of their ex. (Not that that is an easy feat. Absolutely not. It takes years to get over something like that. And even then you always will carry the scars with you) It definitely isn't a heathy coping mechanism.
I really hope they learn to love again. Not necessarily romantically, more that they learn what "Love" really means.
I hope that they learn to love themeselves.

    Joyeshaa January 1, 2019 1:21 pm

    I think it's for both of them. The seme said he was thinking of taking Kasaragi san back until he saw the uke and he was on his mind and yes he became interested. So it's for both of their sakes. And I don't think it's such a bad thing. They found something common in their misery and I hope it turns out good. But yeah, I understand why you feel this way, that the seme's feelings aren't particularly sincere towards the uke. It's because the pace is kind of fast.

Zabkooo December 12, 2018 11:50 pm

The first thing i check in kemono mangas or drawings are the ears. I always look if there are four ears. And mostly there are... And as always I'm a little disappointed because of that. I always get distracted. Like for what do they need four ears for? Are the animal ears just decoration? Should they only convey emotions? Are they even capable of hearing with them?
I mean the bunny costumer had hers on top of her head like a ribbon.
And the size of kins ears keeps varying.

I'm not saying that the manga is bad. I like the story or I wouldn't be reading it. But that's one aspect that has always annoyed me

    Ahiva December 13, 2018 12:02 am

    For the artist is always hard, too. They need the animal ears to convey the animal part (and to look cool), but it is hard to draw people without human ears, they look a bit weird, it is like "does this part grow hair, too?" "Doesn't the face need a bit more of space?".
    They need to be really good to be able to do it without the whole thing looking weird.

    flies December 13, 2018 3:26 pm

    Double the ears, double the hearing

Zabkooo August 13, 2018 10:16 pm

I read the title and jokingly thought: "ha, the "it" there stands for penis, right?"
Who would have thought....
But on a more serious note; how does she plan to attend class like that? She can't just walk into the classroom and not expect anybody asking her who she is. What kinda plan is that...

Zabkooo July 23, 2018 10:39 pm

So both are alphas. That means both can get pregnant. Does that mean they could both be pregnant at the same time if they were a seke couple?
And what would the kids call them? Would both be mom and dad at the same time?
That would be so confusing but also cool at the same time. Since both could experience pregnancy and childbirth.

    Anonymous July 24, 2018 12:23 am

    Everyone can get pregnant, incl alpha, its just that omega have higher risk of pregnancy. If both pregnant at the same time, if im not wrong, the baby will call the one who give birth as ‘mom’ and the other dad. But usualy between same type, the couple will decide who top / bottom, almost never doing both (top n bottom). the only super confusing omega verse ive ever read is sex pistols, everyone is mommy and daddy. (But if my memory serves me right i actually forgot if its labeled as omegaverse or not, its just that the setting almost like omegaver)

    ASHOOSH August 4, 2018 8:57 pm

    how about calling each one of them one of those names (father/dad/daddy/papa) easy as that (=・ω・=)

Zabkooo July 17, 2018 7:21 pm

The last part was really cute; with them holding hands
But the gorgeous good person, perfect human being, justlettingastrangerlivewithhim guy stole our time travellers pillow

Zabkooo April 5, 2018 9:51 pm

Wait.. Im a bit confused. How are they twins if one is 18 and the other is 19? And aren't they in different grades? Have I missed something? Or is it just wrongly translated?

    sandra.valic April 7, 2018 11:47 am

    they arent twins like everyone else

Zabkooo March 11, 2018 1:27 am

The sex scene was hot and cute and all. But I couldn't stop thinking about the open door. What will the friend do? Did he wake up? If not he is a hell of a deep sleeper
Also it seems as though there won't be any cuddling after sex since he seems to get inspiration from it and most likely will leave right after

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