I don't know why are you so passive aggressive.
But the truth is fiction is fiction and reality is reality and you HAVE TO learn to distinguish these two.
Many people, especially the adult ones don't fetishize REAL GAY PEOPLE but they enjoy BL stories, FANTASY and sexual part of it. The same as many people enjoy rape in fiction but they don't enjoy it or support it irl.
I read BL works and never, never in my life I've thought about real gay man and his sexual activities. Even better I had few gay male friends and two of them talked non stop about their sexual activities, although they didnt even ask if I want to hear about it, they've loved to brag about it although they were crossing my boundaries and made me uncomfortable af because I'm NOT interested in others' people sexual activities. But one day I had conversations with one and the other man and kindly explained I don't want to hear even one more word about it. I've never talked about my love life myself, all I did was express my support for them being gay...but that was all of that.
Coming back from the anecdote:
Many people don't enjoy gay fiction because characters are gay but just because they are TWO GUYS, MEN. And straight women are attracted to men. Unfortunately many straight smut is focused on FEMALE partner which many hetero women find unappealing obviously.
And at the end of a day people literally fetishize everything: the body features, nationality etc etc.
But jfc shaming someone and guilt tripping because they got turned on while reading smut? Because they have seen two, appealing men? I think you are overanalyzing things. The problem definitely exist out there but preaching about it in 2D drawings, fiction smut is absurd.
2021-03-09 21:00 marked
Minmi I don't know why are you so passive aggressive. But the truth is fict...