In a world where demi-beasts and humans co-exist, Riku Kurobuchi, a panther demi-beast, finds himsel...
- Author: Minomushi momonoki
- Genres: Yaoi / Smut
From xxIcedTeaFooling around as always, he kisses a random guy walking by. But as a result of that, ...
- Author: Conro
- Genres: School Life / Smut / Yaoi
Yamato Edogawa is heir to a mafia family, and he harbors secret feelings for his attendant, Yoru. In...
- Author: Amam
- Genres: yaoi / comedy / smut
The young actor Emoto wants to get in contact with his kouhai from university, Kurama. However, not ...
- Author: nagi wataru
- Genres: Smut / Yaoi
Shoichi Katakura is a good, responsible employee at a nursery school, but he has a secret he can't s...
- Author: Nonda noda
- Genres: Manga / Yaoi / Romance / Smut
- Author: Buranran
- Genres: Yaoi / Smut / One Shot
24 01,2021
A half-werewolf, Fang Luo An was five years old when his father was killed, and soon after got adopt...
- Author: 云中,白梦社
- Genres: Shounen ai / Webtoons