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neverland_23 December 23, 2024 3:06 pm

But what if there never really was a book Iheon? What if the Iheon we think is the one from real life is the only Iheon there is, and some way somehow he managed to "restart" and in that reality there's no omegas or alphas and he meets again Huimin and tries to change so that Hiumin doesn't hate him again, and then something happens and Hiumin still ends up in their "real world" where alphas and omegas exist, but he thinks he's inside a "novel" that could actually be he's previous life but his subconscious to try and save him from the trauma converted it to a "novel" so now he thinks he's possessing the Hiumin from the "novel" but in reality there's never been a "novel" and that's why everyone he sees he's able to recognize, and the reason he has the dreams and when he has the hypnosis therapy all that he sees and believes are the memories of the "body he possessed" are in fact his memories.
But the only one that actually remembers everything is Iheon.

neverland_23 May 1, 2020 10:05 am

It’s sooooo freaking cute

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Photo from wooooow 12-01 23:19
Daddy’s that make me sopping wet 07-06 04:28

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