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LN0 February 5, 2024 3:13 am

bro what the the fuck is with the art i can see why this is free lmfao

    jwiktoriaj February 5, 2024 6:37 am

    you do know there are different art styles, right? i mean it’s not the best you’ll see, but you’re being too much tbh

    Gregz February 5, 2024 2:03 pm

    Trust me the art gets better

LN0 January 30, 2024 3:43 pm

no plot progress and super short chapters, i dont think this can be even considered bl btw, so if youre looking to read something with an actual plot and not just some cute fun wtsv i dont recommend this, overall sooo overrated

    Nixon January 30, 2024 3:55 pm

    i can understand if you find it boring but everything else you said is just goofy. " I don't think this can be even considered bl" what do you think bl are?? "no plot progress" - that's your opinion I just found it goofy, their are quite a few arcs in this each of them have their own plot and storyline, it doesn't only focus on one thing or one topic

    LN0 January 30, 2024 4:00 pm
    i can understand if you find it boring but everything else you said is just goofy. " I don't think this can be even considered bl" what do you think bl are?? "no plot progress" - that's your opinion I just fou... Nixon

    thats excatly why i said its not considered bl? theres barely any relationship progress? and even tho i myself dont like when the whole story is focused on the relationship between the mcs but pls u can barely count the chapters that actually follow the plot even their own storylines instead of them just fooling around for a straight up 300 chapter

    Nixon January 30, 2024 4:07 pm
    thats excatly why i said its not considered bl? theres barely any relationship progress? and even tho i myself dont like when the whole story is focused on the relationship between the mcs but pls u can barely ... LN0

    "theres barley any relationship progress" what are you talking about?? both relationships between the mc have all made progress especially the one between the third & fourth MC, what chapter are you on?? | I don't understand this part "pls u can barely count the chapters that actually follow the plot even their own storylines" every arc follows a different plot, sometimes their silly in them yeah that's true but not all of them. not every single arc has the same plot. when have arcs with them hanging out and being silly, we have arcs of them dealing with certain things, we get mini arcs of certain side characters all of those have different plots.

    LN0 January 30, 2024 4:21 pm

    their relationship progress is NOTHING considering its almost reaching 500 chapters, this is not even slow burn at this point, it shouldnt be considered bl or romance at all since its just a side plot, the first n second leads progress stopped at the first 200 chapters or something and the pink haired lead wtv his name is, only started softening up for the 4th lead at like chapter 350, dont you think this is WAY too slow for a manga with romance genre in it? even if its slow burn.. and about the arcs thing is excatly what im trying to say, the author is mostly focusing on the extras of them hanging out rather than making progress on the other side plots or arcs. and fyi i dropped this at chapter 400 ages ago but coming back nothings changed

    Nixon January 30, 2024 4:40 pm
    their relationship progress is NOTHING considering its almost reaching 500 chapters, this is not even slow burn at this point, it shouldnt be considered bl or romance at all since its just a side plot, the firs... LN0

    I find it hard to believe you dropped it around chapter 400

    1: in general nothing you said made any sense. for starters its a bl, you cant try to sit here and change the meaning of a genre just because it doesn't fit your goofy ideals. during the first few chapters we meet 2 of the mc, they were portrayed as best friends, we learned that they knew each other for a long time and have been best friends for years, we also learn they go to the same school and normally hang out with each other 24/7 that's the start of the first plot.

    2: we then find out mc 2 might have a crush on mc 1 which they refuse to acknowledge, okay now the plot is progressing. fast forward more chapters show mc 2 has a crush on mc 1 showing him getting jealous over certain things or upset and lots more, fast forward again to where mc 2 finally admits to his feelings, this right here is when their relationship first changed and it was not quick, despite the chapters being somewhat short during that time. thats how slow burn is supposed to work. then after awhile we meet mc 3 and mc 4. mc 1 2 and 3 were friends mc 4 wasn't friends with them he became somewhat close to them later on, once again thats relationship progress. their has been so much progress between them all in general.

    3: no I don't think this is to much of a slow burn for a "manga" I think its truthfully decent and doesn't skip over certain things, especially considering the fact each arc is normally short. I understand this is your opinion but if you cant realize how much their relationships as a whole have changed since they all first met each other then you weren't paying attention. also pink hair lead stared softening up before chapter 350. also mc 1 and mc 2 have had small romantic childish moments with each other same as mc 3 and 4

    LN0 January 30, 2024 4:44 pm
    I find it hard to believe you dropped it around chapter 4001: in general nothing you said made any sense. for starters its a bl, you cant try to sit here and change the meaning of a genre just because it doesn'... Nixon


    Nixon January 30, 2024 4:47 pm
    alright LN0

    alright, also sorry if I came off as harsh during any of this or if my tone seemed harsh. I respect your opinion I just don't completely understand it that's all, like I said before if you find it boring that's fine

    meemd January 31, 2024 3:01 am

    How would this not be considered bl? i’m genuinely confused.. yeah the plot is slow but saying it wouldn’t even be considered a bl is a bit much.

    LN0 January 31, 2024 4:48 pm
    How would this not be considered bl? i’m genuinely confused.. yeah the plot is slow but saying it wouldn’t even be considered a bl is a bit much. meemd

    im not saying it doesnt contain bl at all but the way theres barely any relationship progress makes the romance seem like a side plot so

    cakerollz February 1, 2024 10:43 am
    im not saying it doesnt contain bl at all but the way theres barely any relationship progress makes the romance seem like a side plot so LN0

    girl what do u think bl is? this is not romance centered. not even tagged as one LMFAO its slice of life. with mlm characters. as long it revolves arround homosexual man and their relationship it is BL.

    LN0 February 1, 2024 11:29 am
    girl what do u think bl is? this is not romance centered. not even tagged as one LMFAO its slice of life. with mlm characters. as long it revolves arround homosexual man and their relationship it is BL. cakerollz

    bl is literally romance but between two males? read my previous replies before coming at me cause im not about to explain the exact same thing everytime lol

    welfare February 2, 2024 12:35 am
    alright, also sorry if I came off as harsh during any of this or if my tone seemed harsh. I respect your opinion I just don't completely understand it that's all, like I said before if you find it boring that's... Nixon

    You know what, I sincerely appreciate you taking the time to write all that because it was very well explained and it doesn't deserve that "alright." I know a stranger doesn’t own you anything, but it's just proper decency (knowing that after they still took the time to answer other comments). I even suppose the original commenter could be a troll or just a human with very special needs. Aside of that, I have no problem with some of their opinions either, knowing that I personally agree that the pace is too slow. But the way their comment was so confusing and the way they stubbornly keep hanging on the bl part (are we even reading the same story at this point?) just makes me think they shouldn't be taken seriously. Also it’s near impossible to argue with someone who has already made up their mind.

    welfare February 2, 2024 2:20 am

    I also have a lot of time to waste, so for fun, here's what I find quite confusing please don’t mind me :

    TLDR : the original comment is just being too petty, and Chinese censorship is the reason of their problem, also this is BL I mean that’s the whole deal of the fanbase everyone read this for the romance and actually seeing the attention Jinx is receiving compared to this, it’s not overrated

    Saying that the chapters are super short while complaining about the pacing being too slow with these 400 chapters, knowing that a story is just a sum of chapters, so it doesn't really matter that much if the chapters are short, adding that they find it boring, so the chapters being longer won’t benefit them so I don’t see the point of commenting that... And honestly, I would personally prefer quality over quantity if we talk about the length of the chapters, the art gets cleaner while the chapters still provide enough material for the characters, plot or not, even for the fillers.

    Contextually, the lack of BL content is mainly due to Chinese censorship, so the story needs to be tame on that part. And even if for the original comment it shouldn’t even be considered a BL, probably thinking with that new piece of information why the author should bother to writing a BL story in the first place, their opinion is still objectively untrue. First of all, the author chose is marketed this story as BL, comedy, and slice of life, which you literally described (cute, funny, random whatsoever is happening) plus the drama and angst that you literally glossed over. I think the author managed to provide and stayed true to how they labeled this story, even if it has became too slow for my personal taste (or I am probably just becoming more impatient). Finally the fact that the public demographic and the current fanbase mainly read this for romance purposes is just the icing on top. I’d rather have this popular than some very toxic bls out there.

    Wow I didn’t except to write this much. Congrats for these who managed to read this shit cause I myself could not

    seabi February 2, 2024 2:01 pm

    things is, the author lives in china so it’s impossible to create a real bl
    if u wanted to see em kiss or be 2gether that’s not the right place for u to be lol

    Camila February 2, 2024 3:14 pm
    things is, the author lives in china so it’s impossible to create a real blif u wanted to see em kiss or be 2gether that’s not the right place for u to be lol seabi

    Finally! I was reading all the replies of that comment and wondering why no one is pointing out that this is a Chinese manhua and there are certain restrictions that the author has to abide too if they want to continue on with the story. It certainly is a bl even if it can’t be openly publicized as one. The author has made it as clear as possible as she can without getting in trouble.

    seabi February 2, 2024 4:47 pm
    Finally! I was reading all the replies of that comment and wondering why no one is pointing out that this is a Chinese manhua and there are certain restrictions that the author has to abide too if they want to ... Camila

    yeah!!! like the author did everything they could do, they made mo and hetian kiss even tho it’s a chinese manhua and ppl r still asking for more !
    we all know it’s a bl, its just that it’s a slice of life/shounen ai Σ(  ̄□ ̄||)

    welfare February 2, 2024 9:21 pm
    yeah!!! like the author did everything they could do, they made mo and hetian kiss even tho it’s a chinese manhua and ppl r still asking for more ! we all know it’s a bl, its just that it’s a slice of lif... seabi

    I mean I litterally mentioned about the censorship in my second comment when you said you read all the comments lmao... by the way I am not trying to be salty or anything I just wanted to pointed it out cuz I find it funny

    seabi February 2, 2024 10:42 pm
    I mean I litterally mentioned about the censorship in my second comment when you said you read all the comments lmao... by the way I am not trying to be salty or anything I just wanted to pointed it out cuz I f... welfare

    did u perhaps have the wrong person? cuz i don’t think ure talking to me …

    LN0 February 3, 2024 1:00 am
    You know what, I sincerely appreciate you taking the time to write all that because it was very well explained and it doesn't deserve that "alright." I know a stranger doesn’t own you anything, but it's just ... welfare

    saying that someone has very special needs cause they dont agree with your point is crazy LMAO? i replied with a simple “alright” cuz the argument was going nowhere and i got bored of it? common sense pls

    LN0 February 3, 2024 1:02 am
    You know what, I sincerely appreciate you taking the time to write all that because it was very well explained and it doesn't deserve that "alright." I know a stranger doesn’t own you anything, but it's just ... welfare

    i wouldve responded to them if there was something to even argue about, i read the whole thing before and it was just them telling me how they dont find it too slow for a slow burn? like wtf am i supposed to say to that if its just an opinion matter lmao

    welfare February 3, 2024 2:20 am
    saying that someone has very special needs cause they dont agree with your point is crazy LMAO? i replied with a simple “alright” cuz the argument was going nowhere and i got bored of it? common sense pls LN0

    I understood where u were coming at first but the problem is that one of your opinion is just untrue, us disagreeing with u or not it doesn’t matter. The first reason on why I insulted u is because u kept insisting on something that is just objectively wrong, like it was genuinely concerning how u kept forcing on it. For the rest of your comment I didn’t mind in the slightest because u have the right to state ur thoughts and feelings, hell I have my opinions too. Secondly I insulted u for the way you replied that explanation, even if u didn’t have anything to agrue with or if u found it boring, u could at least said "Understable, thanks for taking your time but I apologise bc I felt like your comment was going nowhere and wasn’t convincing to me.", see, writing that wouldn’t kill you. There’s no problem at replying with “alright" with, but the explanation you replied wasn’t just the type u could reply with “alright”, “okay”, “whatsoever” etc, it sounded very rude from u, intended or not, and it was frustrating for any reasonable person out there (luckily the person who replied to u was quite a mature person, unlike me who insulted you) so please don’t come at me talking about common sense when you also lack at it. To conclude, I wasn’t mad at u about ur opinion, I was mad on how you reacted, if u didn’t catch that with the first comment I made then again, common sense pls

    LN0 February 4, 2024 11:16 am
    I understood where u were coming at first but the problem is that one of your opinion is just untrue, us disagreeing with u or not it doesn’t matter. The first reason on why I insulted u is because u kept ins... welfare

    why would i try to act more nice and reasonable while they literally kept calling my opinion goofy lol? and also maybe you should worry less about how other people act if it doesn’t affect you in any way instead of discipling me like i owe you anything

    welfare February 4, 2024 10:56 pm
    why would i try to act more nice and reasonable while they literally kept calling my opinion goofy lol? and also maybe you should worry less about how other people act if it doesn’t affect you in any way inst... LN0

    Yes u don’t own me anything, as I said before no one owns a stranger something. N I apologise if my last comment sounded like a lecture to u, but my previous intention was just to reply to that explanation bc I found it was trying its best to be genuine unlike the other comments u got, and didn’t deserve that. Due to that, plus ur original post being quite confusing, I (n probably the others) couldn’t take u srsly and just thought u were just a ragebait account, so we didn’t care less about the insults. All that just to say that affecting me or not, it was my annoyed reaction, like after you reacted to mine too lol, so we’re just turning around at this point.

    bishounensupremacy February 9, 2024 2:47 am

    idk why this is such a controversial opinion like yeah if you came here to read BL and it takes them 500 chapters to even admit their feelings its probably not worth it

    LN0 February 9, 2024 5:37 pm
    idk why this is such a controversial opinion like yeah if you came here to read BL and it takes them 500 chapters to even admit their feelings its probably not worth it bishounensupremacy

    LITERALLY that’s what im saying

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