They're so in love with each other it's really cute, I needed that after reading JJK.
Ranting : That's why I hate people pressuring me to have kids. I don't want some right now and it's alright. Not everyone wants kids or can have some. I know I have an illness which can lead to infertility and people are so rude for meddling in my love life asking when we're gonna have kids. I'm fucking 23 let me live my life how I want. Just don't ask these kind of questions. I get why so many people regret having kids, they can't take that responsibility but do it for their family and it end up like this... Sad
Aww the last panel is so cute with the cat! I guess he's just a clingy scared cat this time lol
I'm tired of letting the rapist off the hook. I'll just pretend this bitch doesn't even exist in this story tf, I just want to think about the cute couple
Is it the same author as Cry for Me? The art is as amazing
I've stopped this story when another guy was enrolled in the same school as MC, I think he had white/silver hair...
So I was wondering if it's worth continuing
I was reallh into it at first but the lack of coherent communication irked me a bit. The story and art are still cute though
This story is very well written. I've cried multiple times while reading it, it's so beautiful
This is cute, the seme is so kind I hope they will be happy in the next chapters too
P.S : I had a brain fart when reading the japanese name with korean honorifics hahaha
Please someone help I need the raws, I need to see if Megumi is gonna beat his ass up
I'm just waiting for the angst atp, I want the MC to know that his bias is using him
I've read it in one hour and all I have to say now is that the whole plot resolves around miscommunication lmao ( ̄∇ ̄")
This is so cute, I'm not ashamed of liking cute stories like that just because there's an incubus demon furry type beast lmao
I've seen worse and cursed Jojo x Kakyon dj on another website
I love these already, I hope it will be sold in France one day so that I could buy it (๑•ㅂ•)و✧
Lmao they put the end so suddenly like a cockblock
I just scrolled until I saw seme save him, kidnapping and rape are everywhere these days...