Kat's feed

i feel okay with the revenge and in a away it's quite satisfying...over time you can see the fl's eyes change and she slowly looses the human part empathy? i think in her. everyone felt and acknowledges her human part fading away but nobody mentions or comments on it. she's happy as long as ragna's happy which somehow is toxic af but ragna is like that with her so...it's great for them i guess. It's gets darker and darker as they proceed with the revenges and tbh i think the only part that was nice is the revenge. i would have to say all other relationships e.g. fl's relationship with her family/ peers is zero to none and it does not get touched on. No one is sad when the main characters suddenly disappears and no one even asks about it which i find quite cold but understandable? like the others would have loved if we see some kids of theirs and would have liked it a little more if fl had a little more personality? character? in her other than just "if ragna is happy then i am happy too" vibe if you get what i mean...

after reading the whole thing i actually don't feel much about it tbh...i get why this might not be someone's cup of tea or why it might be, it reli depends on which perspective you are viewing this from. one thing i will say is i love revenge stories in general because they are satisfying but somehow this one due to the change of the fl's personality i somehow don't feel as much for it because the fl is quite apatheic for the whole situation. whether they get revenge or not in the end didn't actually matter and it's not like it added anything to their lives if that makes sense. idk if anybody else feel the same way...i hope i got my point across.