As hard as it might be to belive, children are quite sensitive- especially in their development stages. As a growing teen Jeanette should be becoming more aware of the emotions and feelings of those around her. Ejikiel (I think that's his name?) is very aware and sensitive towards every one's feelings around him, despite being two years older. They lived in the same roof and were brought up similarly enough that if she wanted to Jeanette could've learnt something form him but instead she allowed herself to be coddled until she struggled to be her own person. As nice as she is Jeanette has no other reedeming quality other than her kindness. She's oblivious, far too trusting, selfish, unable to think for herself and weak willed- at this point she's more of a deadweight than anything. Jeanette's nativity is the product of her own close mindedness. She is aware of the reason for her isolation, and believe it or not is quite okay with it. She's been conditioned to believe that its for her own good so she can end up with her father. As long as any action done gets her close to her dad she is willing to endure. That isn't a child that's been mistreated but instead a child who has been filled with unchecked ambition. She's so wrapped up in the fantasy of reuniting with her dad that she's thrown all logic away. If her father loved her, why did he never search for her? Why did she have to hide who she was up till now? How come her mother ran away form him? A little bit of thought would've given her the thought/idea that her 'father' didn't care and still doesn't care for her, it would've allowed her to question things and those around her- maybe even spur her to investigate. If my long lost father called me up for tea yet always fell asleep before we uttered a single word then that's not a win for me. I'd feel awkward and like I've been dusted aside. The answers that I'm looking for as well as the questions I want to ask are being pushed aside. She also has a brotherly figure who showers her with love and a caretaker that provides for her and cares for her even without her best intentions in life. Jeanette may have grown up without her parents and a shitty 'father' figure but she certainly wasn't lacking in love- chasing after a father who seemingly abandoned her when there are others willing to love her just as much casts her in a negative light for me. Also, Jeanette is NOT a child, maybe by law, but not in terms of mentality, emotions and physical body. She has passed the point where she can now tell right from wrong, the point where she can tell when someone is in pain or full of joy without them having to say so verbally. Her extremely low EQ is so annoying because it's the only excuse she can come up with for her ignorant and selfish behaviour. I don’t need to be a genius to be able to tell when my friend is feeling uncomfortable- in fact most children can tell. You can say that Jeanette might be a special case but there’s a level of oblivious you can be before you just come off as willingly ignorant. The whole premise for me hate towards Jeanette is due to her inconsiderate nature towards Athy’s feelings. Its the fact that she’s creating a paradox on herself. She sees Athy as her sister and her family and yet not once has she asked to see how she’s fairing, instead she’s happy to have her fathers love and attention while just having her ‘sister’ there is good enough to fulfil her image of a happy family. You can’t argue that at 14 you aren’t able to tell when someone is upset or in emotional pain? It’s not like Athy is even trying to hide her feelings. We can't sympathise with her bacuse in our eyes she's being extremely greedy and naive, she willing turns her head the other way when Athy feels down when her dad is brought up and pls let's be real. No true friend would purposely talk about the person hurting you as he spoils another- no matter how low ur EQ is, that's just not ok. Jeanette is disliked because she's shown characteristics of a person who prefers to live in her own perfect bubble instead of facing reality.
Jeanette’s Ignorance has reached an all time high for me