very surface level manhwa in a good way, literally no drama, borderline unrealistic but I'm not mad at it, essentially if you're in the mood to relax and read a short cute non toxic romance story with fluff and hella smut this is for you. like I mentioned it doesn't dive deep into certain topics such as university struggles, pregnancy, parenthood etc it's very rose tinted but I enjoyed it
I love the fl's character so fucking much lmao she's so refreshingly straightforward and confident like there's no swerving in every direction for her with that annoying ass overthinking she just goes dead forward foot on the gas type shit
wtf does her past situation have to do with them being together be fucking for real
ya'll hating on my boy dohyeon but he just needs someone to match his freak ngl it's a real turn off in manhwas when one character is super into it all the time meanwhile the other one is always saying shit like no stop no don't wait no even when they've been in a relationship for ages and it's all consensual. that shit is not romantic authors have got to stop doing that
bro has spent how many years clinging to a woman who has shown exactly - 3 interest in him and he's out here tryna call beomjin the tick
the way eric just became even hotter because he also has a darker side to him
this man hated the dick and now he's sucking it af loved witnessing jaehyuk's bi awakening what a great arc honestly
hoping for garam's development too because he's rather distant and mean, we don't need more drama bro
I love how this manhwa is basically just a treat for all the bdsm/dom mommy/submissive pretty boy lovers
I feel like both are somewhat in the wrong here honestly, Maxi shouldn't be participating in such a dangerous mission with literally 0 knowledge like I feel like she wanted to prove her worth to such an extent that she disregarded the severity of the journey, she's sheltered and naive but hear me out she's ALWAYS been like that. she can't just suddenly wake up one day and know everything about the world, and I value her desire to actually want to grow and change bro she's the only person who's developed in this relationship and it's been 100 chapters so I don't wanna hear anyone trying to drag her ass. riftan should've been the one to communicate to her that sure he supports her wanting to go on a mission and gain experience bla bla but that she should WAIT until they go on a lighter mission. one where she won't get killed, and where someone can actually guide and educate her. riftan is more in the wrong here honestly but what do we expect he's a short-tempered, possessive asshole with severe anger and communication issues and he hasn't changed at all since the beginning of this manhwa
probably not how it's going to end, but I feel like a unique story deserves a unique ending. why would we go down the "karen wants to die but raymond convinces her not to because he loves her and life is beautiful or whatever" route, which is what we usually get with these manhwas lol when personally I'd prefer karen actually dying, because let's face it she's absolutely deranged and broken beyond repair, and then her realizing she actually did care about certain people and did love raymond, all of that relating to breaking the cycle of her reincarnation, and then raymond taking his own life to be with her in the next life, which ties up that plot line related to karen convincing her father to die to prove his love. raymond also dies to prove his love, aka they both loved each other and her curse is finally broken. they're both reborn, karen without any memories of her past, and they live happily ever after the end
I love reading about couples that are actually written like couples. some shit on here really just be aimed at porn addicts and fetishists. this manhwa is refreshingly realistic
CLEANING UP THE CONDOM HE USED TO CHEAT ON U WITH? so low we've reached hell atp
not amazing, not terrible. the jumps from past to present personally did not confuse me, but overwhelmed me more than anything. like it resulted in everything getting all jumbled up in my head, instead of actually adding more to their relationship. too choppy and quite all over the place. did sunwoo ever even end up confessing about what he did???? the most important part of this story, yet it doesn't end up satisfyingly resolved. to me, their relationship was realistic, but it also strangely lacked chemistry. too much angst. you know it's questionable when I actually ended up agreeing with sunwoo near the end, that he's been clinging onto their relationship for too long and that he should move on. weirdly wouldn't have been mad if that ended up being the ending. + irrelevant ass teacher x former student side couple
"uncle's eyes look just like mommy's when she looks at daddy" CRYING STOP MAKING ME LIKE JAEHEE WHEN HES JUST THE SIDE PIECE
so when I read the first couple of chapters of this, I was literally so hooked. like woah have I really found a dark, gloomy manhwa with a gripping plot, fantastical and mythological elements, adult themes, gore, great dialogue and immediate chemistry between the leads + visually stunning art? a ML who's lost his mind, whose motives remain a mystery? who's killed so many people yet kneels to the ground to let a siren peacefully die in his arms? my ass really thought I just struck gold bro like it had EVERYTHING. and didn't. like maybe I was expecting something different going into this so I'm ultimately to blame, but after reaching chapter 53 I've come to terms with the fact that this kind of just ended up being like every other manhwa on here and I've never been this disappointed about a story going the way it has. it's just not what I wanted. I don't want to read about blushing giggly children nor a plot that was supposed to have much more complexity but just ended up falling flat. how does a story like THIS end up becoming boring? and I'm not into the whole "I was an adult when I died, and now I'm a child, and I'm basically into another child even though I'm mentally an adult." also, the art was lovely at first, but then it steadily became overwhelming with the 3929933 accessories, and quite generic. they all just look the same atp. two words for this manhwa: wasted potential
should've yanked that trick ass fucker's hair harder
I'm at like chapter 18 and what the fuck is this shit wdym u try to kiss the fl and then in the same chapter ur surprised that she has a period because u assumed she was a child?????? HELLO?????? 911??????????? POLICE?????? CRAZY trope the ml a whole ass predator preying on a socially, educationally, and possibly even mentally underdeveloped child-like woman who can't do shit herself and needs saving 24/7 this shit is diabolical