wait does the purple dude lyks dojin? or is it yuwon? or is he jealous bcoz he has someone he lyks but cant be in a relationship due to his career?

Oh i hope not. Cos it really hurts but I believe he's more like jealous of Yuwon and Dojin's relationship. Of how they can still go on. Seems like his jealousy has something to do with his past and the mentioned "Heewon hyung" or he has feelings for someone but can't push it considering of what happened with this "Heewon hyung" and he's the leader of their group.
Idk what hat to say abt this story. All of the characters were very pitiful esp. Troy, Lewis and Ivan(the doc). Tbh I felt a little bad for Adolph at the end but it went away when I thought abt the pg where the doc's brother said that Adolph fooled around wid so many ppl. He never deserved Lewis but the doc did.
I also felt extremely bad for Troy( the other lover of Adolph). He did suffer so much and at the last he got nothing ( not even another chance) and died.
I don't want to say anything abt both the doc and Lewis bcoz it always makes me cry and pains my heart when I think abt them. They suffered so much.
Well I do want to say that no character got any happy ending ( except the the friend doc of Adolph who got married but ofc he will be sad as his frend died). It was truly a tragic story and it breaks my heart.