Lightasus February 29, 2016 8:22 pm

Am I the only one seeing irony here?

The scanlator forbids people to not upload elsewhere, someone does. They're mad and tell the guy she hopes they choke to death.

The mangaka forbids people to not go against the copyrights, to not upload online for everyone else to look up for free, someone does. That someone is the scanlator...

I mean, how can you honestly ask of people to not do what you're doing yourself without questioning it even a little? It's just perplexing to me xD.

Why think for a second no human would upload your scanlation if you asked them if yourself did not have the respect to not upload an artist's work?

    The scanlator is so hypocritic February 29, 2016 11:23 pm

    I agree with you, that's exactly what I've been thinking! xD

    The scanlator is so hypocritic February 29, 2016 11:30 pm

    The scanlator is so hypocritical...* So sad :'< The end of my name has been cut off... Now I'm crying! T-T xD

    Jeje March 1, 2016 5:31 am

    Thank you for voicing my tought!

    Kyuu March 1, 2016 10:51 am
    The scanlator is so hypocritical...* So sad :'< The end of my name has been cut off... Now I'm crying! T-T xD @The scanlator is so hypocritic

    i totally agreed the scanlator theirselves also hypocritical ( ̄へ ̄)

    yaoilover666 March 1, 2016 1:47 pm

    if you all think so, why are you even here???

    yumekui March 4, 2016 4:00 pm
    if you all think so, why are you even here??? yaoilover666

    then why are you even here if your profile written "yaoi trash" smh

    Lightasus March 4, 2016 4:16 pm
    if you all think so, why are you even here??? yaoilover666

    Because some scanlators aren't as hypocritical and don't scream "thieves go die!!" when the same thing they did to a professional artist suddenly happen to them with the stuff they stole from someone else :X.

    bitchy cat March 4, 2016 5:52 pm
    then why are you even here if your profile written "yaoi trash" smh yumekui

    yo "yaoi trash" doesnt mean "yaoi is trash"
    it means youre a fujoshi that cant be help anymore, get it?

    bitchy cat March 4, 2016 6:01 pm
    Because some scanlators aren't as hypocritical and don't scream "thieves go die!!" when the same thing they did to a professional artist suddenly happen to them with the stuff they stole from someone else :X. Lightasus

    i get it and had enough already with the wars between "the scanlators supporter" and "the author supporter even tho they read the after licensed scans and before licensed scans too"

    both sides are wrong, we know it but wont admit it

    just shut it with the "the scanlators are bad too for stealing from the author" and ill gonna stfu too about "supporting scanlators", we fine?

    Lightasus March 4, 2016 6:39 pm
    i get it and had enough already with the wars between "the scanlators supporter" and "the author supporter even tho they read the after licensed scans and before licensed scans too"both sides are wrong, we know... bitchy cat

    I don't really care what you do and never asked for anyone to shut it xD. Support scanlators if it's your thing, I myself like and support a very select few of them, it's just that shaming others for stealing something you've stole in the first place with such an agressive attitude is pretty meh. It's not as much about the scanlators than it's about that sort of human being.

    Personally I buy the mangas in Japanese or just wait until it's available at my nearest library. Some scanlations there and there because I can't afford the shipping for all the magazines that come out, I can only buy like 1 out of 4, and I don't even read them on this website. I mostly stay here for the community :3.

    bitchy cat March 4, 2016 6:58 pm
    I don't really care what you do and never asked for anyone to shut it xD. Support scanlators if it's your thing, I myself like and support a very select few of them, it's just that shaming others for stealing s... Lightasus

    yo reading manga online is just as illegal as the scanners, you said you mostly stay here for the community and even bought the manga but you yourself still read the manga here too. we all did and even tho we think it is fine bcs everybody does it but no and i feel a bit guilty too tho

    Lightasus March 4, 2016 8:13 pm
    yo reading manga online is just as illegal as the scanners, you said you mostly stay here for the community and even bought the manga but you yourself still read the manga here too. we all did and even tho we t... bitchy cat

    I'm not talking about what's illegal or not, I'm talking about hypocrisy and attitude :/. If you're going to steal and post it on the Internet out of all places, expect people to steal from you and don't lash out on everyone when that happens.

    It's not really about my reading habits you know xD. Besides, I clearly said I don't read mangas here anymore?

    Are you having problems reading my posts properly? I don't really feel like repeating myself over and over :/.

    bitchy cat March 4, 2016 8:36 pm
    I'm not talking about what's illegal or not, I'm talking about hypocrisy and attitude :/. If you're going to steal and post it on the Internet out of all places, expect people to steal from you and don't lash o... Lightasus

    that is why i was saying i had enough of this, arguing about this only gets nowhere bcs both of us are wrong but we just wont admit it.
    so ill be the one ending this convo bcs literally one of us needs to be mature and give in yeah?

    Lightasus March 4, 2016 8:41 pm
    that is why i was saying i had enough of this, arguing about this only gets nowhere bcs both of us are wrong but we just wont admit ill be the one ending this convo bcs literally one of us needs to be mat... bitchy cat

    Cool, I didn't need someone replying to a 4 days old post xD.

    Lightasus March 5, 2016 12:00 am
    that is why i was saying i had enough of this, arguing about this only gets nowhere bcs both of us are wrong but we just wont admit ill be the one ending this convo bcs literally one of us needs to be mat... bitchy cat

    Mmh actually, this all made me think xD.

    It's like, of course humans are all hypocrites in some ways. We pretend to care about the environment yet we go around driving cars and throwing all our food in the trash. We pretend to care about the animals yet eat them and throw them in zoos. We pretend to care about our health yet eat trash food and all do not exercise. We pretend to care about the author yet read her work online without dropping a single cent.

    But if actually realize all of this you could be a better person by changing this. I now compost and use the bus when I want to go somewhere or even my bike if I can; I do not own a car. I'm in the process of becoming vegan since I started to feel really bad eating meat and whatever else; plus it helps the environment heaps in the process, as well s helping my health. I stopped eating deserts on each meals, stopped eating fried stuff.

    I started buying all the mangas I read, even more so with the only manga I still read scanlations of in a closed group; though I also buy the magazines, so I'm throwing even more money than your typical western guy that waits patiently for the next English release, and that even more directly to the author. So honestly, how am I wrong here? Because it's illegal? It's a win-win from both sides if you ask me :X. Again, it feels like you haven't tried to understand what I said. And well, were the scanlations going to stop, I sure wouldn't feel the right to complain and would just patiently wait, it would have been just convenient while it lasted.

    So I think it's great to be talking about those things, and not just shut up because it bothers some people that were conditioned to think something was right because everyone around were acting that way. I honestly hope than just feeling shamed some people could be acting up and in the process make the world around them better, also making themselves feel better.

    Like, for the scanlators of licensed work, couldn't they sacrifice the credit page in order to safely share their translation? Is it so important to have people stroke your ego in the process? Can't you just feel happy that your translation made people happy? Of course not translating at all would be ideal (though that ain't going to happen with how the Internet is now), but at least the person is doing it so with pure intentions and isn't causing unnecessary drama.

Lightasus February 29, 2016 4:02 pm

There's three pictures. Choose between the first and the last one for the cover you prefer (the first is the normal one, the second is exclusive to Amazon). Both are limited editions and have the same booklet anyway.

They have a box with an arrow, click on them and then click on Amazon.

The middle one is exclusive to Animate stores, meaning it's a real pain to get a hold of outside of Japan (at least to my knowledge aha). It has an extra different from the other two though.

    Lightasus February 29, 2016 3:56 pm

    Oh, it worked xD.

    LadyLigeia February 29, 2016 4:02 pm

    Then, to get our hands on the second extra we need to buy the animate version? That would be really difficult. *O*

    Lightasus February 29, 2016 4:26 pm
    Then, to get our hands on the second extra we need to buy the animate version? That would be really difficult. *O* @LadyLigeia

    Either you have someone you know in Japan, either you go to Japan, either you use a website like Tenso that'll offer you a Japanese adress (you make your order ship there and then they charge you to ship it to you). And maybe someone will eventually show up on the Ayano Yamane livejournal to offer a group order.

    J Unleashed February 29, 2016 5:16 pm

    I'm glad obsession doesn't tempt me (a whole lot) to buy 3 of the same VF volumes in a language I can't read. I'll just settle for the crappy edition they'll offer us in English... 20 years from now.

    Actually, I'm just saying "crappy" because I'm jealous as hell at not being offered a frou-frou English edition :P

    I have a question I think you've answered here before but I can't exactly remember... you once mentioned your Finder Vol. 7 came a booklet or something extra that the English edition didn't have? Which extra was it? My edition has 3 extras: the one where Akihito goes to the beach, the one about the fireworks, and the first Manager Takaba dream.

    [My chosen obsession unfortunately is more devastating to the wallet...]

    Lightasus February 29, 2016 5:34 pm
    I'm glad obsession doesn't tempt me (a whole lot) to buy 3 of the same VF volumes in a language I can't read. I'll just settle for the crappy edition they'll offer us in English... 20 years from now. Actually, ... J Unleashed

    I don't plan on buying the Animate one though, the shipping for the first one will be enough xD. But yeah, if it wasn't for me being actually quite decent at reading Japanese (can read most of the text in mangas no problemo, the dictionnary does the rest) and planning on taking courses in a couple months, I probably wouldn't. It depends on what you're looking for aha. I don't even plan on buying the future volumes in French anymore.

    Mmh, Animate had "The Day Businessman Asami Ryuichi's Little Monster Arrived" and the regular and Amazon limited edition ones "Hardworking Manager Takaba Akihito's Seductive Night of Overtime".

    Lightasus February 29, 2016 5:46 pm
    I'm glad obsession doesn't tempt me (a whole lot) to buy 3 of the same VF volumes in a language I can't read. I'll just settle for the crappy edition they'll offer us in English... 20 years from now. Actually, ... J Unleashed

    But yeah, each edition has the extras you mentioned, the exclusive extras come in a separate booklet with the limited editions.

    J Unleashed February 29, 2016 5:54 pm
    I don't plan on buying the Animate one though, the shipping for the first one will be enough xD. But yeah, if it wasn't for me being actually quite decent at reading Japanese (can read most of the text in manga... Lightasus

    I would love to be able to read the original Japanese tankōbon!

    Thanks for answering my question. I'm going to guess the aphrodisiac extra is going to be a part of the limited edition of Vol. 8 :(

    Lightasus February 29, 2016 6:05 pm
    !! I would love to be able to read the original Japanese tankōbon! Thanks for answering my question. I'm going to guess the aphrodisiac extra is going to be a part of the limited edition of Vol. 8 :( J Unleashed

    The more I think about it the more it seems like it'll be extras we haven't seen yet. I mean, if it's going to be exclusive extras, maybe not publishing them in a magazine is the way they're doing it? I'm not sure, I haven't been a fan for that long, volume 7 was already released. But if my memory serves me right I think that's how the scanlators got their hands on them, by buying the volumes.

    But the previous Pink Gold extra was included in and wasn't exclusive, so I assumed it'd too be included in the book itself. The only one actually, there hasn't been any other extras published since volume 7 ._.

    J Unleashed February 29, 2016 6:25 pm
    The more I think about it the more it seems like it'll be extras we haven't seen yet. I mean, if it's going to be exclusive extras, maybe not publishing them in a magazine is the way they're doing it? I'm not s... Lightasus

    You could be right. I don't think Fei Long's extra was published in a magazine, but it was an exclusive extra for the novel.

    Aoki Kurokawa February 29, 2016 7:00 pm
    The more I think about it the more it seems like it'll be extras we haven't seen yet. I mean, if it's going to be exclusive extras, maybe not publishing them in a magazine is the way they're doing it? I'm not s... Lightasus

    About the extra where Takaba, Asami and Feilong are at the hotspring, was it included in a booklet of the previous volumes (6 or 7), or was it in a magazine ?
    And I didn't understand for the Animate site about the ship outside Japan.

    Lightasus February 29, 2016 7:25 pm
    About the extra where Takaba, Asami and Feilong are at the hotspring, was it included in a booklet of the previous volumes (6 or 7), or was it in a magazine ?And I didn't understand for the Animate site about t... @Aoki Kurokawa

    I think it was the one included in Volume 6, and that there was only one version at that time (like, not three of them), but that's just me guessing, since at the very least it was that in the French version. Never heard of an Animate version of volume 6 so...

    The deal with Animate is that it doesn't ship worldwide. One would need a Japanese address or go grab a copy themselves in the stores.

    Lightasus February 29, 2016 7:29 pm
    About the extra where Takaba, Asami and Feilong are at the hotspring, was it included in a booklet of the previous volumes (6 or 7), or was it in a magazine ?And I didn't understand for the Animate site about t... @Aoki Kurokawa

    Ahem, not sure I worded it right, what I meant is that the limited French edition had that extra in a separate booklet, so yes it is very likely that it was the case for the Japanese edition too.

    Aoki Kurokawa February 29, 2016 8:22 pm
    Ahem, not sure I worded it right, what I meant is that the limited French edition had that extra in a separate booklet, so yes it is very likely that it was the case for the Japanese edition too. Lightasus

    Thanks for your answers ;) Ah too bad for the limited edition but it's ok because the French version isn't very great. I just read a few pages and I understood quickly (horrible vocabulary + it isn't detailed like the english version).
    Again, thank you for answering me.

    Lightasus February 29, 2016 8:35 pm
    Thanks for your answers ;) Ah too bad for the limited edition but it's ok because the French version isn't very great. I just read a few pages and I understood quickly (horrible vocabulary + it isn't detailed l... @Aoki Kurokawa

    It's nothing aha. Anyway, you can't find any of them anymore, they were limited editions. I myself don't have it either.

    The vocabulary isn't too bad to me :3. It's just that in French you don't talk the same way you write, so it does end up sounding a bit akward, but with an even richer vocabulary it'd be even more so aha. And after reading all of the books and comparing bunch of translations it doesn't seem to have not enough details, it was better than most to me. At least it stayed very true to the original.

    But I really enjoy them talking with some slang like that, I guess it's an acquired taste xD.

Lightasus February 29, 2016 2:51 pm

Just pre-ordered volume 8 limited edition (Japanese pre-orders started today), I'll be getting it on April 24 (=・ω・=). It surprised me that it would be this quick as it releases on the 23th aha.

    Anonymous February 29, 2016 3:12 pm

    How did you pre order it I want to too but don't know what site to use

    Lightasus February 29, 2016 3:20 pm
    How did you pre order it I want to too but don't know what site to use @Anonymous can ship books worldwide :)

    The normal limited edition:
    The amazon exclusive limited edition:

    The content of the extra booklet is the same in both versions, the difference here is the cover on the manga's cover (and the booklet's too I think). Just for the info there's a third edition, the Animate edition, but it can only be bought in Animate stores in Japan. It probably has another extra, not too sure. Anyway.

    Anyway, cover for the normal one:
    Cover for the Amazon exclusive:

    I personally pre-ordered the normal one aha.

    Lightasus February 29, 2016 3:24 pm

    You can have work in English, just look at the top of the website where it's written "In English". It won't translate the item's description but it will translate everything you need to proceed in the purchase.

    Anonymous February 29, 2016 3:30 pm
    You can have work in English, just look at the top of the website where it's written "In English". It won't translate the item's description but it will translate everything you need to proceed in ... Lightasus

    Thank you! <3 do you mind sharing the link you use? Some don't ship internationally :)

    Lightasus February 29, 2016 3:40 pm
    Thank you! <3 do you mind sharing the link you use? Some don't ship internationally :) @Anonymous

    I just did, my previous post just didn't show up in the feed for some reason xD.

    Lightasus February 29, 2016 3:42 pm
    Thank you! <3 do you mind sharing the link you use? Some don't ship internationally :) @Anonymous

    Welp, nevermind, when I log out it isn't there at all.
    Eeeh, mangago's probably reviewing the links.

    Anonymous February 29, 2016 3:44 pm
    Welp, nevermind, when I log out it isn't there at all.Eeeh, mangago's probably reviewing the links. Lightasus

    Alright thank you XDDDD

    LevixEren February 29, 2016 3:58 pm
    You can have work in English, just look at the top of the website where it's written "In English". It won't translate the item's description but it will translate everything you need to proceed in ... Lightasus

    Is the vol in english? Or in jp?
    Should I make new account in amazon jp to be able to purchase?

    Lightasus February 29, 2016 4:01 pm
    Is the vol in english? Or in jp?Should I make new account in amazon jp to be able to purchase? LevixEren

    The volume is in Japanese. And I do believe that you do need to make another account specifically for that version of Amazon, but I'm not too sure, I've been using the website since quite a while.

    LevixEren February 29, 2016 4:32 pm
    The volume is in Japanese. And I do believe that you do need to make another account specifically for that version of Amazon, but I'm not too sure, I've been using the website since quite a while. Lightasus

    I see. Thank you for your information. I think so too. I'll take a look at it :)

Lightasus May 27, 2015 11:57 pm

Sensei posted some photos of goodies that will come with the DVD of the 2nd Animix on her twitter~

Of course, you can only get them if you buy the DVD from the Japanese Animate store and I don't think they sell worldwide anyway... :P
Still cute xD

    tokidoki May 28, 2015 12:21 am

    Yum! That pic of Fei and Asami - looking like they are helping each other ... yummy! Thanks for posting!

    J Unleashed May 28, 2015 4:45 am

    HA! The dynamic duo. Is that first one supposed to be back when Asami was 28?

    I like the second set with Akihito looking very sweet, and Asami looking very... Asami.

    eworth May 28, 2015 12:14 pm

    OMG, yeah, Asami looks like a baby in that first one! Fei more beautiful than ever.

    shouichi May 28, 2015 2:33 pm

    28th YO Asami.....looks so youngggg

    oth, the pic of Asami angry....he looks like a (yummy) old man xD (35 is not that old tho)

    Lightasus May 28, 2015 4:13 pm
    HA! The dynamic duo. Is that first one supposed to be back when Asami was 28?I like the second set with Akihito looking very sweet, and Asami looking very... Asami. J Unleashed

    Quite frankly, I'm not sure. Looks like it's based off a recent draft from sensei, and she does make him look younger nowadays.
    That and I think they won't animate volume 2, so this should probably be volume 3 art.

    Ema May 28, 2015 7:06 pm

    That long haired man reminds me of Sebastian Michaelis lol (P.s. I'm new to this manga)

    Aoki Kurokawa May 29, 2015 9:57 am

    My favorite is Asami and Feilong, even if the two others are great too. I missed Feilong long hairs. Want more !

    NALALIONKING May 30, 2015 2:49 pm

    I'm so damn excited!!!!! I can't even jfkanfpanfoebcpwngoxnsjro ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ

    NALALIONKING May 30, 2015 2:50 pm
    I'm so damn excited!!!!! I can't even jfkanfpanfoebcpwngoxnsjro ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ @NALALIONKING

    I think I'm in love with sensei ⁄(⁄ ⁄·⁄ω⁄·⁄ ⁄)⁄

Lightasus May 5, 2015 2:24 pm

Sensei's desings are always so similar that on mangahere they think it's really Yuri :V

    Miyanoai May 5, 2015 8:11 pm

    OMG, I saw that. Then again, I bet more people would think that if his name wasn't stated.

Lightasus May 1, 2015 11:44 pm

Eeeh, here's the notes from the dust covers. They're quite short, so why not :V
*I was wrong on some of the info about the cats earlier, I thought Moemaru was also Moeru lol. And I'm missing volume 3 and 5, for the first one I'm just too lazy to go to the store, for the latter it went out of print this winter aha... Planning to buy them in Japanese anyway~

Volume 1 (2002):
- Ayano Yamane -
Blood type: A
I live in a little spot in Osaka.
I quite like the energetic ukes! The semes too are super cool, wether they're cruel or stupid, it's fine.
I like mangas, video games, karaage (fried chicken), cheese and lots of other things.
Right now I'm a fan of everything made of laces!

Volume 2 (2004):
Here's Moemaru, the persian cat I adopted last summer. At first my assistants nicknamed it Akira (clarty), because my maine coon is named Hikaru (light). He turns over when he hears it, so we might be better off calling him that once and for all...

Volume 4 (2007):
It's not a white badger! It's Moeru, my persian cat. I put a photo of her still all small in the reedited edition, but in no time she was already bigger than Hikaru!
Her tail and body are as voluminous as that of badgers, one might almost mistake her for one...

Volume 6 (2011):
- Ayano Yamane -
Born a 18 december, type A
Hello, it's Ayano Yamane! Here's the volume 6 of the Finder series! I sincerely hope that it pleased you.
One year and a half after the last volume, my new persian cat had 4 babies and the family has expended~ With my job, it's rather handicapping... Uh, no, comforting! (*^^*)

Volume 7 (2013):
Hello! It's Ayano Yamane. So here's the volume 7 of the Finder series. Thanks to all of you who bought this manga! I realize that it has been 12 years since its first publication in a magazine... Hum, hum... I'm really moved when I think of all the people that are following me since the very first volume! I'll be forever grateful to you. As for the ones recently joining us, I hope you'll be enjoying this manga and that you'll stay with me for a very long time! Ha ha!

    misekatte May 2, 2015 12:33 am

    Aw, thanks! That is certainly fun to read! Love her bits on her babies (meow)

    Miyanoai May 3, 2015 1:32 am

    Thanks for that. She really does love her cats. (I think I saw a cat that looks just like Moeru (at least from what I recall. I should really get back on twitter).

    J Unleashed May 3, 2015 4:18 am

    Thank you!!!

Lightasus May 1, 2015 12:15 am

Just saw that on the first page, but just saying, sensei's alright. She isn't radio silent, she has a twitter account and is quite active on posting things in there. In Japanese, of course.
Though she seems to catch colds and stuff quite often, and she loves to rant about it. That and posting pictures of her cat (aha, indeed :P).

By the way, she posted herself about the animix :V

    Miyanoai May 1, 2015 12:14 am

    And pictures of her cats from the few times I saw it xD

    Lightasus May 1, 2015 12:38 am
    And pictures of her cats from the few times I saw it xD Miyanoai

    Yess, the cats ehe.

    There's also a picture of them in every single volume, save for the first one, on the dust cover where she rambles about wathever (most of the time actually about the cats :V) and thank people for buying the volume. I guess the English edition doesn't have it at all though? Or is it slapped somewhere else?

    In any case, it's persian cats (and she thinks they look like badgers lol). Moemaru's the white one, Hikaru's the darker one. "Her new cat" (maybe Hikaru, but I'm missing volume 5 so can't tell if there was another one) got 4 babies when she was on volume 6.

    Emma May 1, 2015 2:29 am
    Yess, the cats ehe.There's also a picture of them in every single volume, save for the first one, on the dust cover where she rambles about wathever (most of the time actually about the cats :V) and thank peopl... Lightasus

    Her cats will probably have four more litters before Asami and Akhito even get to that helicopter. :D Awww, bless her heart. ;)

    J Unleashed May 1, 2015 3:24 am
    Yess, the cats ehe.There's also a picture of them in every single volume, save for the first one, on the dust cover where she rambles about wathever (most of the time actually about the cats :V) and thank peopl... Lightasus

    No, we were quite ripped off with the English edition, I hear.

    No color plates in the last volume. The others had them. No dust covers... ever (Really? You got dust covers?!), and I recently discovered that out of the seven books I have, there are two extras missing (the infamous 3p between Asami, Takaba, and Fei Long... and the extra where the panic room first appears).

    I don't know what DMP has against English readers :( Maybe there isn't enough of a market to give us nice things too?

    tokidoki May 1, 2015 7:13 am
    Her cats will probably have four more litters before Asami and Akhito even get to that helicopter. :D Awww, bless her heart. ;) @Emma

    If this is true, she will soon be knee deep in fluffiness! Awww ... cute. *achoo* Erm, excuse me ...

    Lightasus May 1, 2015 8:18 am
    No, we were quite ripped off with the English edition, I hear. No color plates in the last volume. The others had them. No dust covers... ever (Really? You got dust covers?!), and I recently discovered that out... J Unleashed

    For the dust covers, I'm pretty sure that's because of industry standards. Never seen a French manga without one. Never seen an English one with one. I could never imagine that English ones didn't have them, that always seemed to me like that was mangas' trademark since I was a child (they used to amaze me a bit too much lol). All the mangas I have have them! And they all have a author's note as well as some random picture. On the other side it used to be another random picture, but now they're putting pubicities there since a couple of years x). Though mangas are limit a part of France's culture, the market is really strong (that was in parallel with video games since 20-something years?).

    I think they look really nice in any case, they're all glossy and they actual cover (that's in black and white) bends a lot as it's not really thick. So they look really nice at all times without much worry.

    The extras you mentionned are for the limited editions (in a spearate pamphlet). Here we didn't have the Animate one either at all, since they had to choose only one (with Asami in his condo, the blueprints... sigh). It's the same in Japan, good luck finding them a year after their release.

    Alice May 1, 2015 10:55 am
    If this is true, she will soon be knee deep in fluffiness! Awww ... cute. *achoo* Erm, excuse me ... tokidoki

    Oh, you have allergies, girl! ;) I'm a cat person, too. You can never have too many fury fluffy bundles of joy in the house. :) A good friend of mine is currently going through chemotherapy and it's as if all her cats (she has eight of them) sense that she is not well. As soon as she sits down, they are ALL over her, lying on her legs, her stomach etc. It's their way of offering comfort and support.

    J Unleashed May 1, 2015 2:09 pm
    For the dust covers, I'm pretty sure that's because of industry standards. Never seen a French manga without one. Never seen an English one with one. I could never imagine that English ones didn't have them, th... Lightasus

    Oh, now I'm REALLY jealous! Books here have always been done cheap and dirty. I started buying Sci-Fi books when I was 8. Sadly, the pages are all yellowed now and the glue binding is disintegrating (yeah, pulp fiction).

    I would GLADLY spend extra for a quality limited edition of VF but again, maybe they don't think there's an English market for that.

    They do have YA notes about writing the manga (her thoughts on the characters, hints on where the story might go and in the last one, her difficulty with dealing with her father's death) but nothing about her cats, lol. Do French editions also have advertisements in them?

    tokidoki May 1, 2015 2:15 pm
    Oh, you have allergies, girl! ;) I'm a cat person, too. You can never have too many fury fluffy bundles of joy in the house. :) A good friend of mine is currently going through chemotherapy and it's as if all h... @Alice

    Y-y-yeah, my cats do that to me too! Such sweet behaviour. :D But right now they are shedding their winter coats, and the air is full of fluff! Hehe. (I have two and that is more than enough this time of year!) But sensei's kitties are very cute!

    Twinkle May 1, 2015 5:16 pm

    Sensei made chapter more longer than severals months before, that's a great thing ^^ Ganbatte Kudasai Sensei o/

    Twinkle May 1, 2015 6:01 pm

    Sensei made chapter more longer than severals months before, that's a great thing ^^ Ganbatte Kudasai Sensei o/

    Emma May 1, 2015 6:23 pm
    Y-y-yeah, my cats do that to me too! Such sweet behaviour. :D But right now they are shedding their winter coats, and the air is full of fluff! Hehe. (I have two and that is more than enough this time of year!)... tokidoki

    *waves hands* Another cat lady here! :) Yes, mine do the same thing, tokidoki (including shedding their winter coats, ugh!"). My husband and I have "European shorthairs" (basically, they are the result of the baker's tomcat sleeping around with the miller's she-cat, or something like that. *grins* Except their hair is not THAT short. *sigh* I love Sensei's white cat, though I prefer a nice tabby. And our tabbies are huge, they almost look like wildcats.

    tokidoki May 1, 2015 7:11 pm
    *waves hands* Another cat lady here! :) Yes, mine do the same thing, tokidoki (including shedding their winter coats, ugh!"). My husband and I have "European shorthairs" (basically, they are the result of the b... @Emma

    Hello fellow cat lady! Mine are short hairs too - thank goodness - the long hair would be scary come shedding time - LOL. I do think sensei's cats are cute, but all that fur - I don't think I could handle it - and the cuteness would be too much (especially kittens) - I would want to just spend every day cuddling them (joke) But we can certainly see where Aki gets some of his cat-like gracefulness and agility if she has so many fluffies around! Hahahaha

    Miyanoai May 1, 2015 8:40 pm
    Hello fellow cat lady! Mine are short hairs too - thank goodness - the long hair would be scary come shedding time - LOL. I do think sensei's cats are cute, but all that fur - I don't think I could handle it - ... tokidoki

    Ah, I wish I could have a cat but we don't have the room nor time for big animals (that aren't in cage the majority of the time.) I make up for it by volunteering at a cat rescue center. ^^

    misekatte May 1, 2015 8:44 pm
    Ah, I wish I could have a cat but we don't have the room nor time for big animals (that aren't in cage the majority of the time.) I make up for it by volunteering at a cat rescue center. ^^ Miyanoai

    Ah! Rescue me! I just ran off after a squirrel on the main page. LOL

    On a more serious note, people like you are wonderful to help rescue cats! I wish I could do it, but my own cats get really angry and hiss/scratch at me if I come home smelling of other cats!

    Lightasus May 1, 2015 9:48 pm
    Oh, now I'm REALLY jealous! Books here have always been done cheap and dirty. I started buying Sci-Fi books when I was 8. Sadly, the pages are all yellowed now and the glue binding is disintegrating (yeah, pulp... J Unleashed

    Sure, they have advertisements. And Asuka is quite generous with them to say the least aha. His Favorite, My Demon and Me, Junjo Romantica, Crimson Spell, etc...

    Though it's Japan that has awesome quality printing, and the French manga industry mimicked it. Japan has dust covers everywhere. In bookstores they'd ask if you'd want one for free, even to put it over the one coming with the book lol.

    You're not missing much with the notes, they're usually of little interest, but they have their charm. It's like some sort of cool manga tradition to fill up that part of the dust cover.

    Emma May 1, 2015 10:25 pm
    Ah, I wish I could have a cat but we don't have the room nor time for big animals (that aren't in cage the majority of the time.) I make up for it by volunteering at a cat rescue center. ^^ Miyanoai

    And just like that, you have become my hero! :) That is a lovely thing to do, Miyanoai. So proud of you for taking the time and effort to help them and care for them! *sending you lots of love and a ton of hugs.*

    Emma May 1, 2015 10:26 pm
    Hello fellow cat lady! Mine are short hairs too - thank goodness - the long hair would be scary come shedding time - LOL. I do think sensei's cats are cute, but all that fur - I don't think I could handle it - ... tokidoki

    Tokidoki, I just read the cutest signature line on IMDB:

    "I'm a cat-aholic. Cats are my religion."

    tokidoki May 2, 2015 12:37 am
    Tokidoki, I just read the cutest signature line on IMDB:"I'm a cat-aholic. Cats are my religion." :) @Emma

    Cute! I have a fridge magnet that says "Warning: Cat Hair is a condiment in this house!" (My mother bought it for me - hehehehe)

    Miyanoai May 3, 2015 12:21 am
    And just like that, you have become my hero! :) That is a lovely thing to do, Miyanoai. So proud of you for taking the time and effort to help them and care for them! *sending you lots of love and a ton of hugs... @Emma

    Ah with school and work, I barely had the time. But now that it's summer, I'll be doing it more often. I actually hope to find an internship at a vet or my local zoo next year. Working with animals is kind of my career goal, lol.

    Miyanoai May 3, 2015 12:24 am
    Ah! Rescue me! I just ran off after a squirrel on the main page. LOLOn a more serious note, people like you are wonderful to help rescue cats! I wish I could do it, but my own cats get really angry and hiss/scr... misekatte

    Wrote some stuff above. But we usually use sanitizer after dealing with each cat (in case one is sick before we know it). But you're lucky to have yours at home anyway. ^^

    misekatte May 3, 2015 1:07 am
    Wrote some stuff above. But we usually use sanitizer after dealing with each cat (in case one is sick before we know it). But you're lucky to have yours at home anyway. ^^ Miyanoai

    Hope you can fulfill your dream to work with beasties. My cousin is a vet tech and gets to spend lots of time around dogs and cats and ferrets (oh my!) and loves her job, but it is a tough field when you have to deal with the ill and hurting wee ones. I salute you!

    Miyanoai May 3, 2015 7:40 pm
    Hope you can fulfill your dream to work with beasties. My cousin is a vet tech and gets to spend lots of time around dogs and cats and ferrets (oh my!) and loves her job, but it is a tough field when you have t... misekatte

    Indeed, I'll also need to get over the idea of having to put them down (not being able to I mean). My actual main goal is more toward marine mammals. Dolphins are actually my favorite animals and I would love to be able to work with them (also a ridiculous amount of hard work). Sadly there are no places with that opportunity in my area so I'll have to work on being able to move long distances first (I'm one of those people who are not good with big changes, so moving's always a big issue for me).

    misekatte May 4, 2015 2:52 am
    Indeed, I'll also need to get over the idea of having to put them down (not being able to I mean). My actual main goal is more toward marine mammals. Dolphins are actually my favorite animals and I would love t... Miyanoai

    Ah, euthanizing pets is tough! I had to do that for my first cat when his kidneys failed and he got really ill (he was only 5) so not only do you have to deal with hurt animals, but with hurt humans too! I know I cried as my kitty passed in my lap. Hope you can bear with the move to work with your dream animals!

    MarionElizabeth April 28, 2015 11:06 am

    OMG! thank you so much! I realy need the raws :D

    BlazingShana21 April 28, 2015 11:07 am


    rood April 28, 2015 11:14 am

    Thanks for sharing(≧∀≦)
    Can someone translate what Asami is saying?

    dzlin April 28, 2015 11:48 am

    When the manga want to update ?? It 28 of april ..

    reponce April 28, 2015 12:49 pm

    he put a t shirt wow !

    segna April 28, 2015 1:02 pm
    Thanks for sharing(≧∀≦)Can someone translate what Asami is saying? rood

    he said "who do you think i am? Stop whining and do as i said. got it?"

    reponce April 28, 2015 1:31 pm
    he said "who do you think i am? Stop whining and do as i said. got it?" segna

    poor aki he is whining , too cute i think he is afraid for asami going to a war between mafia ? they have made a great mistake he will set à fire, they dared to cross the limits and ruined his territory ! wild blody chap in percepctive (☆▽☆)

    Ryuakilover April 28, 2015 2:13 pm
    poor aki he is whining , too cute i think he is afraid for asami going to a war between mafia ? they have made a great mistake he will set à fire, they dared to cross the limits and ruined his territory ! wild... reponce

    Well aki not Asami , even he gotten involved with shooting accident few times but situation like those of course he is afraid

Lightasus April 28, 2015 10:35 am

Ok, the preview confirms they're in the panic room (or at least teases that they could take refuge there). But then it's talking about someone setting off a bomb... 8)

    R April 28, 2015 12:31 pm

    Aaaaaah!!!! I can't take it anymore!!!! I want the new chapter now!!

    Kya April 28, 2015 12:44 pm

    Thank you for the link..
    Asami eyes so sharp, seem he is angry
    but still even he is angry, he still so handsome

Lightasus March 7, 2015 5:47 pm

While I'm at it, might as well mention the other details aha (not by me, I'm just transcribing, I can't find the Japanese version anyway).

About Asami's condo floor plan.
Asami's study have a fantastic view. There's planters on the balcony, it's spacious with a fantastic view. There's also an emergency exit/ladder on them (both squares). Akihito's room used to be an empty extra room. The balcony on the left is a "service balcony". There's a server counter and shelves for alcohol in the living room. There's an escape passage to the roof in the panic room. Between the powder room and the bathroom, the squared room is a Japanese style room (reception room). On the right of it there's an alcove, and on the bottom a tsubo niwa (inner garden).

Sensei says that Asami's leather shoe shelves are quite crammed with Akihito's sneakers. Asami usually gets ready in the mornings in the powder room and takes his morning shower in the shower booth. Breakfast is eaten in the dining room. The barely used kitchen has transformed into a handy domestic space filled with ingredients, sauces and spices with Akihito's arrival. The laundry room was barely used except for the housekeeper, but lately Akihito uses it.

The second half of the penthouse is in Asami's name, and currently unoccupied (not shown either).

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