Lightasus December 30, 2017 3:18 am

Sooo... anyone knows how did that anon thread got deleted?

    Anonymous December 30, 2017 3:56 am

    Too much name calling and swearing?

    Lightasus December 30, 2017 4:02 am
    Too much name calling and swearing? @Anonymous

    That may be the why but still doesn't answer the how ^.^'
    Well, I guess there may be some form of moderation here after all.

    tokidoki December 30, 2017 6:08 am
    That may be the why but still doesn't answer the how ^.^'Well, I guess there may be some form of moderation here after all. Lightasus

    I think that even anonymous posts can be deleted by the OP ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    Sad that my cucumber

    For this time Anon December 30, 2017 11:27 am

    Sorry, guys, I reported it because it was degenerating in trolling (trash war).

    Anonymous December 30, 2017 2:11 pm
    Sorry, guys, I reported it because it was degenerating in trolling (trash war). @For this time Anon

    ? Noone talks here and it's even worse when active threads gets deleted. Are you gonna talk now and generate discussion?

    For this time Anon December 30, 2017 2:19 pm
    ? Noone talks here and it's even worse when active threads gets deleted. Are you gonna talk now and generate discussion? @Anonymous

    ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ better than having anons calling others trolls and/or "put your fingers in your ass" Sorry, I'll do it again if I see this kind of "gentleness" .

    Smoothie December 30, 2017 2:49 pm
    ? Noone talks here and it's even worse when active threads gets deleted. Are you gonna talk now and generate discussion? @Anonymous

    When you say generate discussion, there's almost nothing to 'generate discussion' on in the first place. There's only so many times you can theorize: will Fei end up with someone and who OR if Akihito will get strong OR is Mik gonna be an ally or is he the 'final villain' OR is it some unknown Russian group etc
    Any story direction the plot could go in, has been theorized to the ground.
    The only thing you'll get is either a boring repition of what's been said before, or a trolling shitshow.

    Lightasus December 30, 2017 2:58 pm

    Well, doesn't really have to be about Finder, I do recall we've had quite a few really interesting political and historical discussions here to only mention that haha. Been a while but that used to be a thing from time to time.

    Anonymous December 30, 2017 4:28 pm
    When you say generate discussion, there's almost nothing to 'generate discussion' on in the first place. There's only so many times you can theorize: will Fei end up with someone and who OR if Akihito will get ... Smoothie

    You are the trolling shitshow.

    Anonymous December 30, 2017 4:32 pm
    When you say generate discussion, there's almost nothing to 'generate discussion' on in the first place. There's only so many times you can theorize: will Fei end up with someone and who OR if Akihito will get ... Smoothie

    Active minds that aren't obsessed with complaining can always find something of substance to discuss. Not that you would know.

    Smoothie December 30, 2017 5:16 pm
    Active minds that aren't obsessed with complaining can always find something of substance to discuss. Not that you would know. @Anonymous

    Yet there are discussions of substance happening here. No discussions happening in the Yamane-Ayano livejournal. No subreddit. Viewfinder on tumblr is also a graveyard.
    etc etc
    I wonder why.

    Smoothie December 30, 2017 5:19 pm
    You are the trolling shitshow. @Anonymous

    You're probably the anon from the other thread and before, Hi stalker. You're always free to debunk what I say. You call me a troll but you never have anything of substance against what I say.

    Smoothie December 30, 2017 5:21 pm
    Well, doesn't really have to be about Finder, I do recall we've had quite a few really interesting political and historical discussions here to only mention that haha. Been a while but that used to be a thing f... Lightasus

    True but that's besides my point. Not that I don't enjoy random political or historical topic if you go on a board for a different series your topic will be deleted if it's about that.

    I see you alot and I have to s December 30, 2017 8:42 pm
    You are the trolling shitshow. @Anonymous

    Smoothie is a huge troll or was. She was then but isn't now. Anytime Smoothie says something you reply back swearing and trolling. Comment after comment topic after topic month after months. No doubt it's you.
    Yes this forum is all trolling now as Smoothie says, but you're the one causing problems now not Smoothie. Proving her right. Are you trying to drive her away? Trolling a troll isn't going to work. Anyone can see you are having no affect. All you're doing is annoying everyone and driving more people away.

    For this time Anon December 30, 2017 9:41 pm
    Smoothie is a huge troll or was. She was then but isn't now. Anytime Smoothie says something you reply back swearing and trolling. Comment after comment topic after topic month after months. No doubt it's you.Y... @I see you alot and I have to s

    Well said.

    Smoothie December 30, 2017 11:16 pm
    Smoothie is a huge troll or was. She was then but isn't now. Anytime Smoothie says something you reply back swearing and trolling. Comment after comment topic after topic month after months. No doubt it's you.Y... @I see you alot and I have to s

    Lol exactly. As if those pathetic laughable insults would drive me away, I've told the troll many times. I actually find it very amusing that they THINK they are achieving something.
    The ONE thing you're wrong about me being a huge troll, I'm not. Anyone with sense would see that.

    I see you alot and I have to s December 30, 2017 11:43 pm
    Lol exactly. As if those pathetic laughable insults would drive me away, I've told the troll many times. I actually find it very amusing that they THINK they are achieving something. The ONE thing you're wrong ... Smoothie

    You aren't a troll that's what I said. But you didn't deny that you were one before did you? I'm not here to fight you but you for sure we're one. I read the older threads you know. I believe you came to specifically troll but you either got bored or actually like it here so stopped.

    Smoothie December 31, 2017 12:49 am

    I simply have pointed out facts people don't like and when someone attacks me I defend myself. Sure I'm tamer now, but it still doesn't mean I was a troll.

ねえねえ July 24, 2017 3:08 am

For those who'd need a visual of when Real Ciel appeared in the childhood flashbacks and when Our Ciel did:



ねえねえ July 24, 2017 2:26 am

Just found a goldmine of info for manga publishing contracts and conditions, the original blog post from the mangaka was posted in June 6th, so the info should be quite up to date :). So for anyone interested, here it is:

By Shuuhou Satou

The other day, I was asked by a newbie trying to enter the manga scene: “When attempting to serialize a new work, what is the market rate for a standard serialization, and what kinds of contracts will I require?” As a newcomer to the scene not yet familiar with how our world operates, I believed they wanted to know what and how far they should push for when negotiating with publishers. I met and spoke with them about various things, and since I believe that this is important information for budding artists who intend to become mangaka in the future, I will reproduce my thoughts here.

First, let’s talk about market rates for standard serializations.

Compared to ten years ago, the rates for serializations have gone down. I do not know the rates for every serialization in every single publishing company so I cannot claim to know the exact details. However, I have heard tell that even at major publishers, newcomers are only paid around US$50 per page (even for color pages!). This is, on average, more than $10 less than what it was 10 years ago. In the past, a newcomer would receive a minimum of $70 per page for a magazine serialization. Today, however, it feels like the market rate is about $50 to $60 per page. There are a few editorial departments who will pay over $100 per page, but these are few and far between.

These numbers are only accurate when discussing magazine publishing companies. Recently, the amount of manga being published for reading through the apps of web-based publishing companies has increased, and they pay even less. A certain well known app beginning with ‘C’ pays $500 per chapter. In the event that there is an artist as well as an author, they have to split the $500. Monthly publisher ‘G’, despite having a quota of dozens of pages, pays a fixed sum ranging from $1000 to $2000, with potential bonuses of a few hundred dollars more if the manga proves popular.

Essentially, neither serialization in magazines nor on web applications will lead to very much money, and the pay might not even be enough for your living expenses. It is possible to lock yourself in your room and keep working, intoxicated on the image of yourself working as a professional mangaka despite not making any money, but sooner or later you will burn yourself out.

As for the necessary legal contracts, I believe that the following three types of contracts are the ones most typically used in the industry.

The first are the types you make with the publisher (or tech company).

The second are made for working with other staff members on a project.

The third are the type made between the author(s) and artist(s) in the event that there is more than one creator involved.

First, the writing contract.

This contract details the methods for receiving payment when your work is serialized in the magazine (or application), as well as the responsibilities related to publication. It may be difficult to imagine for those who work in normal companies, but in the manga world, it isn’t unusual to have cases where the editing department makes an artist draw a chapter, and then decides to neither publish the chapter nor pay the artist. “Pay up! Publish my work! No cancelling the series until this contract expires!” That’s the kind of contract this is.

At the moment, no publishing company is willing to provide a sample contract. The typical business process (aka common sense) of “Commission -> Quote -> Contract -> Order” does not apply to publishers. The artists themselves have to go to the publisher and ask for a “writing contract”. It is natural to wonder, “When will we negotiate the contract?”, when talking about serializations. However formal contracts are not the norm, so please request for one yourself. Doing so will likely shock the publisher and make them wonder, “Where did he find out about that?!”

Next up is the publishing contract, which is necessary in the event that your serialization has been progressing smoothly and has been selected to be released in volumes. In this case, it has become the norm for publishers to present a contract. As the contract differs from publisher to publisher, I won’t post examples. It mainly discusses giving the publisher exclusive rights, royalties, adaptations, commercialization, and secondary use rights.

The most critical thing to keep in mind when negotiating this contract is that you are signing a publishing contract, with the publishing referring to that of print publishing only. You must ensure that you do not allow the publisher to monopolize the rights for electronic publishing or secondary use. The publisher will also want electronic publishing rights, as well as the the freedom to manage secondary use rights as they please. It makes it easier for them to manage as well as to make money.

The basic contract they provide will of course contain clauses which surrender these rights to them, which is why it is important to request beforehand that such clauses be removed from the contract. It is absolutely critical to limit their rights to print publishing only and to keep the rights to manage the branding of your series for yourself.

Is it really possible for a newcomer publishing their first work to make such a request? It is.

I conduct all of my communication with my editor through e-mail, meaning all business negotiations are also done through email. This has the benefit of leaving no opportunity for “he said, she said” arguments in the future.

Carrying on. While newcomers are indeed able to request this, whether or not the publisher accedes is another story. Print publishing is a declining industry, so they will be reluctant to give up any rights within their reach. Even if you attempt to compromise by saying, “Okay, I’ll give you management rights in exchange for a higher royalty fee for electronic publication”, they will be unlikely to budge. Do your best.

The editor-in-chief and assistant editor-in-chief will come out in order to persuade you. If you still resist, they will begin to say things like, “You’re the only newcomer demanding things like this”, “We can’t give you special treatment”, “It sounds like you’re saying that you don’t want to be serialized at all”, and “How dare you bring this up now, after all that we (the editing department) have done for you? That wasn’t part of the agreement.” in order to gently intimidate you.

Through this you will learn that the manga world is not one filled with dreams, but a system with a carefully managed balance of power. Whether or not you allow yourself to be chained down by it is up to you.

Additionally, it is quite rare for a publishing contract to be signed at the beginning of serialization. Publishers want to release volumes if the product becomes popular. However, they don’t want to shoulder the risk if the product isn’t popular, meaning they will hold off on signing a contract until the last minute. This means that newcomers will continue to create and publish their work without knowing whether or not volumes will be released. Still, it is probably better to consider the fact that contracts are being offered at all as a move in the right direction. Of course, you can also request a publishing contract at the beginning of serialization. If you do so, then they will say things like “You’re the only newcomer asking for things like this” to gently intimidate you. If you are interested in enlisting someone to assist you in these negotiations, please contact me. I can introduce you to a professional.

The rest of the blog post for the two other types of contracts is there:

    tokidoki July 24, 2017 5:00 am

    Interesting information!

    ,Reality bites July 24, 2017 12:22 pm

    It is interesting, far more complex than I thought. answers a lot of questions for me thanks.

    Anonymous July 29, 2017 12:22 am

    Awesome, Lightasus! Thank you so much for posting this (in light of a previous thread where we talked about this), very interesting and enlightening. :)

    Nonni July 29, 2017 3:45 am

    Oooh, thanks, I always wondered how their system worked.

ねえねえ July 22, 2017 7:26 pm

Just noticed Finder doesn't show up on the homepage like it ALWAYS did before the break, wondering if it's series fatigue? :0

    Romanceisdead69 July 22, 2017 8:16 pm

    It could be that, though also I honestly think trolls and general douchebaggery on this page have driven a lot of readers away. I've seen at least three people say they are going to take an indefinite break from this page because of drama etc…

    Not long til an update though! ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~

    Reality bites July 22, 2017 11:36 pm
    It could be that, though also I honestly think trolls and general douchebaggery on this page have driven a lot of readers away. I've seen at least three people say they are going to take an indefinite break fro... Romanceisdead69

    Maybe we will find out what is on that phone in Asami's pocket and what he found out from Mr. reluctant in the chair.

    Cutecherry July 23, 2017 8:09 am

    I did notice it myself, but don't worry it'll bounce back when it'll be updated, Fans will come back to read the chps :(( I, myself, sometime wants to avoid the page because of some issues that were going on here :(

    Romanceisdead69 July 23, 2017 9:15 am
    Maybe we will find out what is on that phone in Asami's pocket and what he found out from Mr. reluctant in the chair. @Reality bites

    …And hopefully Asami will call Akihito - and one thing will lead to another (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

    Reality bites July 23, 2017 1:09 pm
    It could be that, though also I honestly think trolls and general douchebaggery on this page have driven a lot of readers away. I've seen at least three people say they are going to take an indefinite break fro... Romanceisdead69

    I think you are on to some thing. esp. the douchebaggery part. Like that word^^. It reflects the state of the internet today.

    Anonymous July 23, 2017 10:17 pm

    Other big series that once dominated the home page have also disappeared, like Junjou Romantica, Koisuru Bokun, etc. Weekly manhua like Killing Stalking drive more views because they are updated far more frequently than those that update every other month. I see it more as a trend in the way these new manhua are released than anything else.

    ねえねえ July 24, 2017 1:28 am
    Other big series that once dominated the home page have also disappeared, like Junjou Romantica, Koisuru Bokun, etc. Weekly manhua like Killing Stalking drive more views because they are updated far more freque... @Anonymous

    Oh yeah, that may be it. I'm really not into manhuas, didn't notice how many there were before you mentioned it ahah.

    It's crazy how trends change so fast, I feel so old school now, can't recognize any of the series :L

    tokidoki July 24, 2017 5:08 am
    It could be that, though also I honestly think trolls and general douchebaggery on this page have driven a lot of readers away. I've seen at least three people say they are going to take an indefinite break fro... Romanceisdead69

    I have been doing the same myself ... for those very reasons. Look, someones' delicate sensibilities were antagonised by ねえねえs' comments and thumbed them both down. Really? Gets quite tiresome - that and those who deliberately cause irritation (like the one who keeps inserting a crude name for a female body part into Akihitos' name - again and again - as though that person considers that to be clever instead of stupid)

    tokidoki July 24, 2017 5:10 am
    I have been doing the same myself ... for those very reasons. Look, someones' delicate sensibilities were antagonised by ねえねえs' comments and thumbed them both down. Really? Gets quite tiresome - that an... tokidoki

    And those who keep insisting Asami is in love with Fei ... eyeroll.

    Rommy on her phone July 24, 2017 11:54 am
    I have been doing the same myself ... for those very reasons. Look, someones' delicate sensibilities were antagonised by ねえねえs' comments and thumbed them both down. Really? Gets quite tiresome - that an... tokidoki

    Yes to be honest the 'c' word doesn't shock me and I use it myself when the occasion calls. But in this context it's like - meh, so you don't like Akihito, And? If there were a compelling argument there I'd be genuinely interested in their reasoning of why they dislike the character, it could be a good and engaging conversation.

    But, I just don't see the point in trying so hard to create shock and awe by using such obviously baiting terms and language. It just reaks of immaturity and the need for attention, good or bad. And who has time for that shit?

    ,Reality bites July 24, 2017 12:58 pm
    Yes to be honest the 'c' word doesn't shock me and I use it myself when the occasion calls. But in this context it's like - meh, so you don't like Akihito, And? If there were a compelling argument there I'd be... @Rommy on her phone

    questions indeed. baiting? indeed begging for the attention much like The character they have taken on. i believe this person on some level wants to or thinks they are Feilong hence the hate of Takaba. They want to be in Takaba's position through the character of Feilong. They will never accept Takaba as being "worthy" of Asami bec. they should be. I don't think it is abt. Takaba per se. If Asami was with Ai or any body else I think the same thing would happen. it's abt. Fei.

    Anonymous July 24, 2017 11:50 pm
    questions indeed. baiting? indeed begging for the attention much like The character they have taken on. i believe this person on some level wants to or thinks they are Feilong hence the hate of Takaba. They w... @,Reality bites

    Feilong would kick their ass. He loves Takaba and doesn't like people who talk shit about him.

    Anonymous July 25, 2017 12:06 pm
    I have been doing the same myself ... for those very reasons. Look, someones' delicate sensibilities were antagonised by ねえねえs' comments and thumbed them both down. Really? Gets quite tiresome - that an... tokidoki

    A mighty statement coming from the one who cries of thumbdown. Boohoo.

    ,Reality bites July 25, 2017 12:47 pm
    Feilong would kick their ass. He loves Takaba and doesn't like people who talk shit about him. @Anonymous

    This post proves my points for me.

    Anon July 25, 2017 6:53 pm
    This post proves my points for me. @,Reality bites

    The only point I see here is that there are Fei xAki fans ( many out there)

    tokidoki July 26, 2017 5:35 am
    A mighty statement coming from the one who cries of thumbdown. Boohoo. @Anonymous

    Oh, I sense great intelligence and discernment form your oh, so witty comment, if you are a grade schooler, that is. Get over it. please.

    Anonymous July 26, 2017 11:06 am
    Oh, I sense great intelligence and discernment form your oh, so witty comment, if you are a grade schooler, that is. Get over it. please. tokidoki

    tokidoki July 26, 2017 5:34 pm @Anonymous

    Witty and meme savvy, wow, is there anything you can't do? I never said I was offended, that is your interpretation. I said that it was tiresome .... in other words, boring, that the same old troll, like yourself, can not come up with anything creative or of substance to support their baseless arguments. M'kay, is troll all fed now?

    Reality bites July 26, 2017 6:03 pm
    The only point I see here is that there are Fei xAki fans ( many out there) @Anon

    That can be said abt. a lot of things what does Fei XTakaba have to do with anything I said. nothing. I am not talking abt. pairings.

    Reality bites July 26, 2017 6:04 pm
    That can be said abt. a lot of things what does Fei XTakaba have to do with anything I said. nothing. I am not talking abt. pairings. @Reality bites

    Which Anon are you exactly?

    Romanceisdead69 July 26, 2017 10:44 pm
    Witty and meme savvy, wow, is there anything you can't do? I never said I was offended, that is your interpretation. I said that it was tiresome .... in other words, boring, that the same old troll, like yourse... tokidoki

    Going forward I for one would really appreciate it if we could all communicate solely through memes, I feel like we could really avoid any miscommunication and really get our point across a little more clearly and maturely. (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

    tokidoki July 27, 2017 4:27 am
    Going forward I for one would really appreciate it if we could all communicate solely through memes, I feel like we could really avoid any miscommunication and really get our point across a little more clearly ... Romanceisdead69

    LOL ... apropos of nothing:

    Rommy on her phone July 27, 2017 7:59 pm
    LOL ... apropos of nothing: tokidoki

    I can see that this is going to work really well, I hope we can get everyone on board...! I can only respond to your meme with the age old question -

    tokidoki July 27, 2017 8:02 pm
    I can see that this is going to work really well, I hope we can get everyone on board...! I can only respond to your meme with the age old question - @Rommy on her phone

    Hmmm...did you copy the link wrong? All I got was a search page for random memes .... meanwhile ... back atcha

    tokidoki July 27, 2017 8:04 pm
    Hmmm...did you copy the link wrong? All I got was a search page for random memes .... meanwhile ... back atcha tokidoki

    (ah, that copied wrong - guess link was too long (it was for the Morpheus meme ... ლ(´ڡ`ლ) )

    Romanceisdead69 July 27, 2017 8:29 pm
    (ah, that copied wrong - guess link was too long (it was for the Morpheus meme ... ლ(´ڡ`ლ) ) tokidoki

    Dammit it seems we've uncovered a major flaw in the newly proposed communication method( ̄へ ̄)- ok, back to the old way, I guess…

    (ah but I am so dissapointed the link didn't work…here it is just for shits and giggles…)

    tokidoki July 27, 2017 10:47 pm
    Dammit it seems we've uncovered a major flaw in the newly proposed communication method( ̄へ ̄)- ok, back to the old way, I guess…(ah but I am so dissapointed the link didn't work…here it is just for... Romanceisdead69

    OML I laughed way too hard at that ... I will see your drapes and raise you this ...
    (this might work better O.O)

    Lightasus July 27, 2017 10:49 pm

    ^ Well that was short-lived huh (≧∀≦)

    A bit random but that made me think, the chrome app "in my words" could be handy in order to change a few words to make reading here a bit more pleasant, and potentially a bit silly eheh...

    Romanceisdead69 July 27, 2017 10:58 pm
    OML I laughed way too hard at that ... I will see your drapes and raise you this ... might work better O.O) tokidoki

    Woah! I've been asking myself that for years (╯°Д °)╯╧╧ I feel you buddy

    Romanceisdead69 July 27, 2017 11:01 pm
    ^ Well that was short-lived huh (≧∀≦)A bit random but that made me think, the chrome app "in my words" could be handy in order to change a few words to make reading here a bit more pleasant, and potential... Lightasus

    I dare say I've not seen any abuse here lately…..but that could just be my selective reading of posts! You're right the world definitely needs more silliness though!

    Lightasus July 27, 2017 11:10 pm
    I dare say I've not seen any abuse here lately…..but that could just be my selective reading of posts! You're right the world definitely needs more silliness though! Romanceisdead69

    Ahah for sure ;)

    I don't really know to be honest, I'm quite selective as well. But I did notice there and there while roughly sweeping through the page the c word and it's kind of making my eyes bleed lol. Fixed TaCUNTaba to Takaba, I need to get more creative on that though, if anyone has suggestions :L

    Reality bites July 27, 2017 11:49 pm
    I dare say I've not seen any abuse here lately…..but that could just be my selective reading of posts! You're right the world definitely needs more silliness though! Romanceisdead69

    nothing but ..... well I have always wondered why well..... Donald duck never wore pants.

    Lightasus July 28, 2017 12:08 am
    nothing but ..... well I have always wondered why well..... Donald duck never wore pants. @Reality bites

    Gotta have that duck strut.

    For the sake of a bit of trivia, ducks grow genitals when it's their mating season; after they're done using it, they wither and fall off. That's why you usually never see anything dangling down there on a duck.

    Not going into any more details here...

    Reality bites July 28, 2017 12:53 am
    Gotta have that duck strut.For the sake of a bit of trivia, ducks grow genitals when it's their mating season; after they're done using it, they wither and fall off. That's why you usually never see anything da... Lightasus

    hahahahaha. I get the picture. He doth not need the pants. welcome back Light.

    tokidoki July 28, 2017 1:08 am
    Gotta have that duck strut.For the sake of a bit of trivia, ducks grow genitals when it's their mating season; after they're done using it, they wither and fall off. That's why you usually never see anything da... Lightasus

    I always wondered why Goofy could talk, but Pluto could not ...
    Did you also know that Donald is called Anders in Denmark?

    Reality bites July 28, 2017 6:00 am
    I always wondered why Goofy could talk, but Pluto could not ... you also know that Donald is called Anders in Denmark? tokidoki

    It's the pants. It's hard to keep your pants clean if all you do is sit on the ground. . Pluto could speak at one time,but when he saw Goofy wearing pants,he lost his voice.

    Reality bites July 28, 2017 6:03 am
    It's the pants. It's hard to keep your pants clean if all you do is sit on the ground. . Pluto could speak at one time,but when he saw Goofy wearing pants,he lost his voice. @Reality bites

    cute pic. too.

    Romanceisdead69 July 28, 2017 6:38 am
    hahahahaha. I get the picture. He doth not need the pants. welcome back Light. @Reality bites

    Oh yeah just out of curiosity (directed at lightasus) why the name change? Just curious as I for example have never thought to change my name - too much effort. I just found it very confusing earlier when I saw it go from neenee to this. Boredom?

    tokidoki July 28, 2017 8:27 am
    Gotta have that duck strut.For the sake of a bit of trivia, ducks grow genitals when it's their mating season; after they're done using it, they wither and fall off. That's why you usually never see anything da... Lightasus

    Not sure if anyone can view this, but ... we need more of this in Finder (not the laughing part ... just the rest ...)

    Lightasus July 28, 2017 11:30 am
    Oh yeah just out of curiosity (directed at lightasus) why the name change? Just curious as I for example have never thought to change my name - too much effort. I just found it very confusing earlier when I saw... Romanceisdead69

    Eeh, it's kind of like changing your wardrobe I guess? Like "Eh, I'm not digging this look anymore, let's change it". Well if that's for the avatar, the name is kind of like changing your hair. Just feels refreshing and makes you feel like a new person. I think I changed it once because irl I did actually change haircut LOL.

    The thing is that in early 2015ish or so I made a second account to try to stop some trolling that was directed at me to happen (won't describe what kind it was here, just in case that gives anyone ideas lol) - worked instantly, I couldn't believe it since I didn't change my way of speaking or anything ahah. But it forced me to depart from the pseudo "Lightasus" for a while, and that one time it wasn't out of boredoom lol.

    In any case, it kind of became a small habit of me just for the heck of it for some time, I did get used to only half the people recognizing me. Or none, but idk, seriously thought my signature "ahah" "I speak french" ":L" "Here's random trivia" would give it away each time, and it was my intention lol... Anyway, though really I deleted the other one like two years ago (I'm pretty sure it never got to live for a full year) and since then I was always on this one account. The mighty 162th account ever created on mangago eheheh (≧∀≦)...

    So anyway, went through a few identity crisis, eh? :')

    I probably won't ever again though, it's not really of any use if people call me Lightasus anyway huh? xD. And I even found my original avatar :0

    And it's actually very easy to change lol. Just need to click on "settings" and boom you're there, change & save.

    Lightasus July 28, 2017 11:37 am
    I always wondered why Goofy could talk, but Pluto could not ... you also know that Donald is called Anders in Denmark? tokidoki

    "Disney has needed to deal with a certain amount of confusion concerning the fact that the anthropomorphic Goofy is treated as a human while Pluto (an ordinary dog) is treated as a household pet, despite being of the same species. On their web site, it stated that "Goofy was originally created as Dippy Dawg" and "was created as a human character, as opposed to Pluto, who was a pet, so [Goofy] walked upright and had a speaking voice"."

    Basically the Disney world is populated by anthropomorphic animals that are supposed to be treated as human (and could very well be substituted by actual humans, it's just a design thing), and their pets well are pets, not the same "species".

    I did wonder a lot about that too as a child (≧∀≦)

    Lightasus July 28, 2017 11:45 am

    Speaking of changing "brand", what's up with that 7-up Lemon lemon? I swear I haven't touched soft drinks for years, but when I see "Lemonade" and a hipster-looking bottle, I buy <.<. Noticed after that I was 7-up. Bought another one anyway, damn those attractive bottles are now in the small food section of the pharmacy I go to buy just that, some of my food.

    Reality bites July 29, 2017 6:25 am
    Speaking of changing "brand", what's up with that 7-up Lemon lemon? I swear I haven't touched soft drinks for years, but when I see "Lemonade" and a hipster-looking bottle, I buy <.<. Noticed after that I... Lightasus

    I liked the old coke bottles myself from the 1950]s.

    Northwest July 30, 2017 12:02 am
    I liked the old coke bottles myself from the 1950]s. @Reality bites

    Me too. I bought a vintage bottle at a yard sale once cause they're so unique. Does anyone else remember when glass soda bottles were washed and reused for pop? I do.(just gave away my age!)

    Reality bites July 30, 2017 1:38 pm
    Me too. I bought a vintage bottle at a yard sale once cause they're so unique. Does anyone else remember when glass soda bottles were washed and reused for pop? I do.(just gave away my age!) @Northwest

    I remember the old Coke and Pepsi signs^^. Returning the to the store.I had forgot abt. that.

ねえねえ May 8, 2017 12:47 am

If that can clear some things up, here's parts of a message the group sent me a few years ago when people were screaming like the sky was falling down. They're chill and want to make it fair for everyone, but they're only human :):

I don't see how we've gotten such a bad rep. All we do is, scan, translate, and post on the journal. And if anyone wants to share, I don't have a problem as long as they tell me first. This little fan group is so small and insignificant compared to the real scanlation groups that carry on dozens of projects. So why is it causing so much fuss? Last year, we only had one person doing the translations, cleaning, typesetting, editing, scanning etc and it ended up with some fan on mangago complaining that we were "defecating yamane-sensei's work with the poor scans and grammar" and reported us so from then on, we decided to go private to prevent this from happening again.

I see the problem now, someone went all "high and mighty." I myself try to distance myself as far away from mangago as I can because the fans there can get OVERLY out of hand, I swear, one day, someone there will really commit suicide from the cyber bullying there :/ hopefully not though. I don't want to associate with the people there because it's very tiring, there's always someone there who manages to twist your words and make you look bad. I sometimes feel I can't win with the fans on mangago. When we first shared, the all the responses was: the scans and translations suck, leave it to a professional. When we got better, the comments were that we were cocky and "elite" and we should all go and die, and now I see even after a year, we are still somehow viewed as "elite" :/

I'm about to rant now so forgive me. This whole situation started with the group harudaki back about two years ago. They were sharing the scans publicly but then DMP caught them and demanded them to remove their download links or they will have to take legal action. So the group moved to a new private journal but soon after, sharing without permission started. This group harudaki already been blacklisted by DMP once, they can't afford a second warning so the head of the community requested her 3000 members to spam manga sites like mangago to get their scans taken off their sites. So for the next few months, mangasites like mangago saw nothing but "take down viewfinder, it's private, you gotta be in the group to see it."Now this is where the "rubbing in our faces," and the "high and mighty" attitude started. And now, harudaki has to post everything publicly under the watchful eyes of the law. So all the groups and fans that followed after harudaki became paranoid that they will end up the same, so that's where privatizing, selectivity all started, and every group that followed after had to clean up the mess harudaki's memebers left. When I picked up the manga with a friend, I wanted to share to everyone, but apparently our quality of work wasn't good enough and it ended up with a report and livejournal suspending our previous account. So we moved to a new journal and I still want to share with everyone, but more secretively because the moment a fan gets a hold of our journal link, they can report us to anyone. If our name is not known, we can be left in peace.

A lot of fans don't understand how serious translating a licensed manga is. Yaoi companies in japan like Libre who hosts viewfinder, is a very very very small company. If you live in a small city in Japan, the local book stores don't carry libre magazines, so it has to be ordered. Because they are very small, they are a lot more strict with free scanlation groups doing their projects. So they are more on edge unlike magazines like shounen jump or other big titles. So translating a manga like viewfinder is indeed illegal and a violation of the DMCA law, which could seriously lead to fines, arrests, lawyers etc.

Regarding translations from different fans, there will always be endless amounts of complaining. I remember one instance where people were complaining about the bad translations the actual real official english group was doing - June manga. I mean, if even the legal company got complaints about their books and translations, what chance does anyone else have :/ (although some of their translation were pretty funny lol)

    LadyLigeia May 8, 2017 1:10 am

    Oh, my! How can people be so rude sometimes? I only would find an excuse for people in their teens... but the most part of them are adults, as far as I know. (⊙…⊙ )(⊙…⊙ )

    Smoothie not logged in May 8, 2017 1:17 am

    Is it possible for them to post it anonymously using on... tumblr or reddit? Even 4chan, but I don't know anything about that.
    Surely they'd be untraceable that way.

    tokidoki May 8, 2017 1:33 am

    Well dsaid! Honestly, some people are so f**king rude and ungrateful. They demand an immediate posting of a scan, then bitch about how poor the quality is, how terrible the translation ... etc. It kind of make me sick, and seriously blackens the eyes of the rest of the fan community.

    tokidoki May 8, 2017 1:34 am
    Is it possible for them to post it anonymously using on... tumblr or reddit? Even 4chan, but I don't know anything about that.Surely they'd be untraceable that way. @Smoothie not logged in

    Unless you are on the dark web, nothing is truly anonymous or untraceable.

    dannygirl 21 May 8, 2017 1:51 am

    All i have to say is thank u very much for your hard work and thank you for the update

    LaLa May 8, 2017 2:06 am

    Thank you!

    kyouran May 8, 2017 2:51 am

    It is definitely a serious pet-peeve of mine to see readers criticizing ANYTHING about scanlations when it's obvious that if it weren't for the wonderful free hard work of scanlators, we wouldn't be here enjoying all these wonderful Mangas. I mean, is a simple matter of human decency. It just doesn't make sense, but there you have it, that's how repugnant the worst aspects of human nature is. Fucking ingrates that dare to complain when we are all leeches/parasites living off of the hard work of fans that love the genre. And yes, I can see where you're coming from regarding the bullying in Mangago; I've been seeing that too often lately. All I can say from the bottom of my heart is that I may not know you, but I love you and all the scanlators in the fandom that enrich our community with your hard work without getting anything in return. THANK YOU!! Really, without people like you, we wouldn't be here (●'◡'●)ノ

ねぇねぇ March 8, 2017 1:56 pm

Did we have some sort of hint on what season it was before the time skip? Because they mentioned it's autumn, I'd be curious to figure out approximately how many months passed by (=・ω・=)

    Nishi March 9, 2017 12:39 am

    I am sure it was almost the end of summer. The last time we saw the outside, it wasn't obviously winter, and if it was spring there would be a lot of festivals and knowing Aki, he would have participate with Asami, so the end of Summer is what I thing is the most logical season.

    tokidoki March 9, 2017 1:43 am

    Probably summer - Aki out in just underwear, Asami in a t-shirt ...

ねぇねぇ March 7, 2017 4:54 am

Hello! This is Yamane Ayano. Thank you very much for purchasing "You're My Secret Promise in Viewfinder". A new volume after two and a half years... did you all enjoy it? This time it took longer than usual to release the volume for the tseries and I apologize for making you all wait. Even though I previously said I would try harder, due to my health problems, I wasn't able to draw much, and ended up causing tremendous problems for the editor and the printing office instead... However, this new release has given me some relief. I was not aware of how poor my drawing skills were until I began doing the revisions, so I redrew quite a few of them, just like I usually do with every volume. Please try not to compare them with my old work in the magazine T.T

This volume doesn't have many love scenes since the story is progressing, and I apologize for that. I have to keep my patience as well when this happens. The cutesy and juicy scenes I wanted to draw were replaced by bloody battles instead. Akihito's weakened spirit and Sudou's touchiness irritated me, so I put effort into drawing Akihito's butt crack which can be seen during the catfight (being rubbed) and the gunfight scenes in the latter half of the book. I had spoken to my editor about my desire to draw Akihito and Asami escaping through the secret passage in the apartment after being cornered, and my wish partially came true! My highlight was Kirishima in pajamas... ^^ With the scene where Akihito was hanging from a crane, I felt a little violence fit the situation. The uke hung up like a sandbag... Such manly manliness (I'll shut up now...)

These days, the rules and regulations on explicit artwork has become stricter, so the private regions have been left undrawn... It's really a shame >.< There might be audiences who are okay with censorship of the genitals as long as the two men are in love, but I prefer to have a mind-blowing, vividly rich erotic love scene ^.^... I want Asami and Akihito to keep having a thrilling type of "chase or be chased" relationship, even in bed <3.

15 years have passed by without me realizing it until someone told me, and it's kind of scary if I think about it, but this is a long series that moves at a rather slow pace; however, this is the speed at which I draw, so what I can do is to make sure I work as hard as I can. To those who look forward to my work, I am very sorry. It would be lovely if you could all support Akihito and not let him fall down the rabbit hole, and support Asami, who has enemies who both love and hate him. And the character you have been waiting to see again might appear in the story!

Lastly, for the longtime fans of the Viewfinder series, new readers of the story, the letters, presents, and cheerful tweets: I always get such encouragement from all of you when I need it. This series would not have lasted this long without you. Thank you so much!

The editors and editorial department that work together with my slow drawing hand and who come up with various plans and ideas to make the story more appealing, the god-like skilled artisan who brings the beautiful colors, the printing office and agency that keeps their doors open until the last second, and the book stores - I appreciate all the people involved in publishing. I will try hard to make the future stories more entertaining, so I ask you to continue to support me!

February 29, 2016
Yamane Ayano

    BTStrash_Baby March 7, 2017 3:31 am

    I will forever support you sensei!!! Keep up the good work you've always been doing:) love ya

    Anoni Grrl March 7, 2017 4:44 am

    Thanks for posting this. She is adorable! You have to love someone who works hard on butt cracks.

    Crimson March 7, 2017 6:26 am

    thank you for re-posting, seeing her note made me all giddy inside (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

    Flying_Penguin March 7, 2017 6:30 am

    I'm so glad that another chapter has come out! I love the direction that the plot is facing. I'm looking forward to the character development of Akihito and how he's now chasing Asami. I'm imagining a BAMF Akihito when they meet up again, because then they will be on even grounds (in some sense).(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

    Romanceisdead69 March 7, 2017 10:32 am

    Damn I love this woman so much (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

    Sasha March 7, 2017 11:08 am

    I love you sensei and I will forever support you. Thanks

    GrievingSanctuary March 7, 2017 12:17 pm

    Sensei, I'm a big fan of yours and your artwork. I really want to buy your works. Unfortunately, it's not available in my country, and my parents would kill me if they find out. I hope you get better soon.

    Anonymous March 7, 2017 3:32 pm

    Thanks for posting. Interesting how she doesn't like the censorship either.

    Ayu chan March 7, 2017 3:54 pm

    先生 おつかれさま
    l love your manga sense even if i new in yaoi things I'm enjoying and get happy +embarrassed, the anime i watched and replay it many times. I want you to be healthy please eat more vegetables, fruits and meat, don't eat junk food please, no alcohol/please replaced with fruits juice and drink more water. you will be very healthy ready to do anything.

    valery March 7, 2017 4:55 pm

    I love asami and Akihito, but the manga would be even more beautiful if you stop drawing rapes

    Romanceisdead69 March 7, 2017 5:37 pm
    I love asami and Akihito, but the manga would be even more beautiful if you stop drawing rapes @valery

    Hmm, I guess that's subjective then… ( ̄∇ ̄") I like de mens picking on poor Akihito's bottom, the more the merrier!……………………..eheh

    LadyLigeia March 7, 2017 6:07 pm
    Hmm, I guess that's subjective then… ( ̄∇ ̄") I like de mens picking on poor Akihito's bottom, the more the merrier!……………………..eheh Romanceisdead69

    (≧∀≦) Tastes are tastes, you know. I would like to see other ukes 'molested' in the story, not only the hot Aki. But if they will be separated for some chapters what characters Sensei will use to give us our dose of sex?? (⊙…⊙ )

    Romanceisdead69 March 7, 2017 10:50 pm
    (≧∀≦) Tastes are tastes, you know. I would like to see other ukes 'molested' in the story, not only the hot Aki. But if they will be separated for some chapters what characters Sensei will use to give us ... LadyLigeia

    Yeah I must admit this twist took me completely by surprise - so I guess anything can happen! Uke's (hell, maybe Seme's too) watch your behinds!!!!!! 0_0

    LadyLigeia March 7, 2017 11:09 pm
    Yeah I must admit this twist took me completely by surprise - so I guess anything can happen! Uke's (hell, maybe Seme's too) watch your behinds!!!!!! 0_0 Romanceisdead69

    (≧∀≦) I mean, if Sudou is telling everything to Asami's enemies, did he become Mik or Sakazaki sexual slave? I'm so curious about it. (⊙…⊙ )

    Romanceisdead69 March 8, 2017 8:09 am
    (≧∀≦) I mean, if Sudou is telling everything to Asami's enemies, did he become Mik or Sakazaki sexual slave? I'm so curious about it. (⊙…⊙ ) LadyLigeia

    Well there was that question "Is this what you do with someone, to get them spilling very secret…" (can't remember the quote exactly) but maybe Sakazaki has got that* arrangement with Sudoh?? But TBH I'm not sure if they'll be any real action with anyone else surely, maybe a loooong Akihito self-love shower scene though while he's missing Asami? (▰˘◡˘▰)

    LadyLigeia March 8, 2017 12:05 pm
    Well there was that question "Is this what you do with someone, to get them spilling very secret…" (can't remember the quote exactly) but maybe Sakazaki has got that* arrangement with Sudoh?? But TBH I'm not ... Romanceisdead69

    Only Aki and his hand it's sad, Rommy, (≧∀≦). I would like to see others in action (Sudou, Mik, Sakazaki, Fei , and so -but, please, not Tao- even if by this moment, I guess, he's about 15 years old) (≧∀≦)(≧∀≦)

    Asami-sama March 8, 2017 7:42 pm

    OMG! Sorry for my wrong voted i press at the wrong place and i can't change my voted

ねぇねぇ March 6, 2017 2:12 am

Hello! This is Yamane Ayano. Thank you very much for purchasing "You're My Secret Promise in Viewfinder". A new volume after two and a half years... did you all enjoy it? This time it took longer than usual to release the volume for the tseries and I apologize for making you all wait. Even though I previously said I would try harder, due to my health problems, I wasn't able to draw much, and ended up causing tremendous problems for the editor and the printing office instead... However, this new release has given me some relief. I was not aware of how poor my drawing skills were until I began doing the revisions, so I redrew quite a few of them, just like I usually do with every volume. Please try not to compare them with my old work in the magazine T.T

This volume doesn't have many love scenes since the story is progressing, and I apologize for that. I have to keep my patience as well when this happens. The cutesy and juicy scenes I wanted to draw were replaced by bloody battles instead. Akihito's weakened spot and Sudou's touchiness irritated me, so I put effort into drawing Akihito's butt crack which can be seen during the catfight (being rubbed) and the gunfight scenes in the latter half of the book. I had spoken to my editor about my desire to draw Akihito and Asami escaping through the secret passage in the apartment after being cornered, and my wish partially came true! My highlight was Kirishima in pajamas... ^^ With the scene where Akihito was hanging from a crane, I felt a little violence fit the situation. The uke hung up like a sandbag... Such manly manliness (I'll shut up now...)

These days, the rules and regulations on explicit artwork has become stricter, so the private regions have been left undrawn... It's really a shame >.< There might be audiences who are okay with censorship of the genitals as long as the two men are in love, but I prefer to have a mind-blowing, vividly rich erotic love scene ^.^... I want Asami and Akihito to keep having a thrilling type of "chase or be chased" relationship, even in bed <3.

15 years have passed by without me realizing it until someone told me, and it's kind of scary if I think about it, but this is a long series that moves at a rather slow pace; however, this is the speed at which I draw, so what I can do is to make sure I work as hard as I can. To those who look forward to my work, I am very sorry. It would be lovely if you could all support Akihito and not let him fall down the rabbit hole, and support Asami, who has enemies who both love and hate him. And the character you have been waiting to see again might appear in the story!

Lastly, for the longtime fans of the Viewfinder series, new readers of the story, the letters, presents, and cheerful tweets: I always get such encouragement from all of you when I need it. This series would not have lasted this long without you. Thank you so much!

The editors and editorial department that work together with my slow drawing hand and who come up with various plans and ideas to make the story more appealing, the god-like skilled artisan who brings the beautiful colors, the printing office and agency that keeps their doors open until the last second, and the book stores - I appreciate all the people involved in publishing. I will try hard to make the future stories more entertaining, so I ask you to continue to support me!

February 29, 2016
Yamane Ayano

    LadyLigeia March 6, 2017 2:15 am

    *****And the character you have been waiting to see again might appear in the story!*****

    Thanks Sensei!!!! We love you!! (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

    ........... March 6, 2017 3:20 am

    Wishing Yamane Ayano great health and many blessings!

    tokidoki March 6, 2017 3:25 am

    Thanks for sharing! Yeeaaah!! Finally back to regular updates ... hopefully. Hope sensei is feeling better.

ねぇねぇ March 5, 2017 3:45 pm

Begins after this page:

They both lock their lips together. Asami lifts his hand to caress Akihito's chest and Akihito lets an 'ouch' slip out. Asami comments on how Akihito is always covered in bruises, then proceeds to lightly bite his neck. He then says Akihito is someone who refuses to stay in the sidelines, and that's why he keeps getting hurt, but that still, he won't restrain himself. They then proceed to kiss and Asami uses his hand to jerk off Akihito. He breaks the kiss as Akihito cums.

Asami then asks Akihito if Sudou pulled his pants off, to which Akihito stays silent while blushing. Understanding from his silence that it was the case, Asami asks if he did anything more. Akihito, in a bit of a panic, promptly answers that no, he didn't. Asami asks him to show him, so Akihito goes on his four legs to give Asami a view of his ass. Asami looks at his anus, and comes to the conclusion that he indeed didn't, as the 'color looks good'. He penetrates it with two fingers.

Akihito then wonders about Sudou; when he was using his ass, was he fantasizing about Asami? Asami fills him and they both kiss each other again. Asami looks at him with a satisfied expression, and Akihito thinks that it was unforgivable, that Asami is his, and lifts his arms to reach out to Asami...

I'm not used to write in English in a novel-like way, so this is pretty bad, but I hope it wasn't TOO bad :P

    LadyLigeia March 5, 2017 3:06 pm

    Yeah, Sudou was fantasizing. (⊙…⊙ ) I still remember when a girl here posted a link to a Spanish group which translated that part and I laughed a lot when Aki (even as a victim) made fun of Sudou when he was saying (and molesting at the same time): Asami, Asami. And Aki said: Who are you talking to? (≧∀≦) , then Sudou answered: Shut up!
    Sudou is a lost case. (≧∀≦)

    inori March 5, 2017 3:16 pm

    Omitted MANGA pages? Where can I find it?

    ねぇねぇ March 5, 2017 3:18 pm
    Omitted MANGA pages? Where can I find it? inori

    I think there's raws out there, not sure where as I didn't bother to look at them since I just bought a Japanese copy ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
    It's pages that were added in the volume release, but weren't there in the magazine release, which is why they aren't here.

    mabellynn March 5, 2017 5:23 pm

    Can someone put a link to it? I've been trying to find it but to no avail. I don't mind if it's not in English. Thank you in advance.

    Anonymous May 1, 2017 4:14 am

    Sudou knew Aki had slept with Asami, so use him to imagine himself and Asami.
    It was reminding Aki that Asami knew he had slept with FeiLong, and Asami was using him to fantasize FeiLong, so when Asami was gentle with him, it was also Just in fantasy that he was with FeiLong.

    ねえねえ May 1, 2017 1:39 pm
    Sudou knew Aki had slept with Asami, so use him to imagine himself and Asami.It was reminding Aki that Asami knew he had slept with FeiLong, and Asami was using him to fantasize FeiLong, so when Asami was gentl... @Anonymous


ねぇねぇ March 3, 2017 1:51 am

Alright guys March 14th is near, for those who haven't yet let's stack up the pre-orders so it tops the manga best selling charts in New York Times like the last volume on its release (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

    Anon March 3, 2017 2:23 am

    I just bought mine and I'm so excited omg ⁄(⁄ ⁄·⁄ω⁄·⁄ ⁄)⁄

    reponce March 3, 2017 11:20 am

    (╯°Д °)╯╧╧ jalous

    I'm not Anon, you're Anon...An March 3, 2017 6:36 pm

    Weirdly I'd really hate it if by some chance yaoi and indeed finder were to become mainstream (or as popular as fifty shades of shit) one day. Lol part of me thinks one of the draws to Yaoi is that it's something that is 'ours' and isn't something that is shoved down our throats by the rest of the world all the time. I hope it stays us Fujoshi's little secret, though of course the popularity will do great things for it wouldn't be all bad!

    ねぇねぇ March 3, 2017 6:44 pm
    Weirdly I'd really hate it if by some chance yaoi and indeed finder were to become mainstream (or as popular as fifty shades of shit) one day. Lol part of me thinks one of the draws to Yaoi is that it's somethi... @I'm not Anon, you're Anon...An

    It sold tons on the release date then disappeared from the list, so no worries :P
    But it's certainly interesting to see yaoi on the top spot, even if only for a week ahaha. Just shows how dedicated its fans are when a new volume comes out :)

    Anonymous March 3, 2017 7:40 pm

    Amazon has it super cheap for US buyers (not affiliated). Not sure about international shipping costs. Time to support the author/publisher at a reasonable price. Or order the digital copy.

    ねぇねぇ March 3, 2017 8:36 pm
    Amazon has it super cheap for US buyers (not affiliated). Not sure about international shipping costs. Time to support the author/publisher at a reasonable price. Or order the digital copy. @Anonymous

    Yeah, I just didn't see it yet pop up on bookdepository ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
    International buyers do wait for it (if you want a physical copy), there's free shipping :)

    Anonymous March 4, 2017 12:57 am

    On Amazon US it is #1 bestseller for G&L Manga!

    Hanne March 4, 2017 1:51 am
    Weirdly I'd really hate it if by some chance yaoi and indeed finder were to become mainstream (or as popular as fifty shades of shit) one day. Lol part of me thinks one of the draws to Yaoi is that it's somethi... @I'm not Anon, you're Anon...An

    Crimson Spell hit the New York Times bestseller list a while back ...

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