Hellothere like the answer
Social anxiety feels like there’s hundreds of eyes on you in my case I’m too insecure and I feel like everybody’s looking at me and making fun of me I’m not full of myself like I know nobody cares or is looking at me but I feel pressured and like I want go home go to my dark room and stay there forever . When I’m in public I feel uncomfor......
Hellothere like the answer
If I knew I wouldn’t be here
Hellothere answered question about get to know you
i'm exactly in the same situation XD In terms of learning more about yourself and your identity, since you seem to be as lost as I am, I advise you to do what i normally do, which is to not think that much about labelling yourself. Explore what makes you feel comfortable and happy and what doesn't, because that is the best way to find out who you a......