moodyaf's experience ( All 0 )

moodyaf's answer ( All 2 )

they're all here having some really traumatic bday experiences and I'm just sitting here thinking that the two bad things that happend are that my friends fought on my 14th birthday and would not speak to each other for 2 weeks and that I'm trans and every year I hear people the happy bday song with my deadname. I hope all of you guys, that had som......   reply
17 12,2020
babysitting   reply
17 12,2020

moodyaf's question ( All 0 )

People are doing

did getting piercings

got my ears pierced and im super happy!! but im still wondering if i should get my nose wings pierced

3 minutes
want to do hating someone

I WISH I could hate people so they could stop hurting me but I just don't have it in me

3 hours
did getting piercings

I have a few. my eyebrow is my favorite thing about me I've had it for years. Just had to remove my lip piercing and I miss it so much rip

7 hours