They're both right, in Yanzi's time the city was in ruins and if Anubis is the past Anubis then the future he saw was the one that didn't have Yanzi in it. Yanzi prevented the religious order from taking over. Anubis likely saw the isolated and unchanged Mimi who while he had the right ideas didn't have the right solutions which likely lead to the down fall of the civilization in the long term, likely bc he only had short term solutions and rather than try to help his people adapt to his changes, he had a 'my way or the highway' atittude.
Yanzi already knows what works and there for he can confidently move forward bc he understands the importance of making long term solutions and the importance of providing the people with opportunities. Like how you buy high quality boots to work in to help with quality life, or having a free library for people to learn.
Mimi has righteous ideas but he lacks diplomacy, i believe that flaw was likely the biggest contributor to the cities down fall. Bc you can tell a cultist that they're in a cult but until they deconstruct what they've been told theyll only get defensive. I think in the original world that failed Mimi failed to help his people deconstruct from the religious cults teaching and it caused a lot of negative effects.
With Yanzi being seen as sent from the gods Yanzi had more sway in popularity amongst the people making it easier to help deconstruct away from the cult.
But Anubis has only seen the civilization that fell bc Yanzi being in this timeline i feel was pebble being tossed in a still pond. A likely intention toss of skip rocks to heal what was suppose to be a destroyed civilization.
I might be reaching but it's be cool if we eventually saw the god Nefertum since the water Lily seems to be important in this story (the flower on Yanzi's neck). The water Lily symbol is usually associated with rebirth and the gods Nefertum. And Technically, with Yanzi's help this would be a rebirth of a civilization.
I've absolutely yapped long enough. This is all just theorizing and everything I said could be completely wrong. (^^;)))

Dont worry I just said yap bc i almost starting going on random thought paths that weren't entirely relevant to the point i was trying to make. I'm also glad they worked things out and hope Anubis either leaves him alone or assist and helps give us insight on why Yanzi might have been sent into the past creating this paradox in the first place. I truly do thing it's the work of another God be it Nefentum/Thoth/Khonsu (last two are associated with time) I just hope I'm not getting my hopes up for serious lore. Lol

Idk the process behind Yanzi time travel is so weird and confusing first Mimi should up in the future as a mummy?/ cement statue it makes me really wonder how in the world they got to transfer part of his soul into that statue. And is it possible for any god to do that? Or just Anubis does that mean the Anubis From the future made this possible?

I’m kind of spiraling rn bcz I feel like being a god Anubis should have the ability to know yanzi doesn’t belong to this timeline no? But then since ebis was in ruins in the future doesn’t that mean Anubis dies too since he now doesn’t have any worshipers, if so then that would explain y he nv knew about the future of other religions

Irl its hard to see anubis as a god that isnt believed in bc he still has worshippers in the real world but maybe in this one he doesnt.. And this is where we hit complexity with paradoxes stone Mimi acted like he knew Yanzi or maybe he simply followed him bc his blood awoke him, and that insinuates that Yanzi has special blood, which means it was more than likely a god who created him/blessed him to be able to awaken Mimi so that Yanzi could go back in time in the first place. Who knows ultimately we would need more info on why Mimi was in the stone in the first place.

Yes yanzi is definitely not a regular person idk it’s just ever since he traveled to the past his aura and character changed so much that it’s easier to assume he’s an apostle?(forgot how they are called) like I think for a 2000 ordinary person it’d be pretty hard to adapt to a new timeline but he fits in perfectly that’s y i think yanzi used to be from that time and was reborn years later cuz like u said the stone Mimi followed him and cared for him like they knew each other from way back.
But maybe im projecting, cuz i do remember another story kind of similar but straight and more cliche so idk

Rip this was just discontinued on peanutoon, stopped at 69. Tried finding out why but so far no info that I could find. Maybe more will come to light in the future. I hope the author is okay, and can continue later on another site or something.

They requested for early termination of this story from Peanutoon. They did not wait until site actually closed (end of Feb) that is why there is not update from 2/3 onwards if I remember corectly. The work is slow as they are recovering on their health (?) but they say this is under discussion already for a new publisher and will announce once contract's signed ^^

If this is anything like the original, he killed the parents, yes. But the congressman who the kid killed is the one who paid him to do it. So he didn't kill them to get the kid, he killed them to further himself and chose not to kill the kid even tho he was suppose to. And what he means by saying he'll do anything to get what he want while it's flashing back and forth between present and past is it's showing just like how he was willing to kill off the kids family to further his career he is willing to do shit just as fucked up now to keep the him. So keeping the kid alive back then was a whim but now it's turned into a goal to keep him.
That's my interpretation.

They need to work on that shit. But honestly out of the two of them the seme fails the most. The ukes insecurities make sense bc yeah if you hear rumors it's gonna cross your mind but with the type rumors they are, if you bring them up they sound very accusatory, so i get why he isnt immediately bringing them up.
Plus it doesn't help that seme has never said he was genuinely interested, he just says it's fun. Fun isn't permanent. Fun doesn't keep a relationship alive. The uke at least ask questions when he is unsure about things. He doesn't boldly accuse him despite his insecurities he ask who people are to the seme. The seme just gives vague answers or avoids the question all together. I'm ready for the break up arc and for seme to actually take the relationship seriously.
I'm not saying the seme is being malicious abt it, I mean he could be or he could be one of those oblivious types. Tbf the i think he is hiding something bc from what we have seen he seems to be socially intelligent enough to pick up on the ukes discomfort with things.

100% why I'm ready for the break up. He seems like he is intentionally avoiding commitment by never explicitly saying what they are publicly. He keeps its so ambiguous
Cause ya know what from the uke's perspective he never told the other guy who interrupted their date that they were on one. He just said that he had company ya know the same date he bounced early on after saying he was gonna go to the ukes house after the movies and gave 0 explanation why he left. The fact that the uke at no point loses his temper on this man speaks volumes to his patience and him breaking it off shows despite his insecurities he isnt gonna let himself be treated like that and I really appreciate it.

Its on coolmic in english at least a handful of pages but probably only like a chapt or two ahead. And all i can say is theyre a bunch of idiots sharing a braincell. Good lord. Its funny but damn. Just a group of orange cats who have a bluetooth connection between each other where they hot potato the only surviving braincell.
Idk if anyone else notice but I think it was intentional. He looked like he was jacking off as he was putting himself inside. You can see his had go base to tip as he goes in. Crazy work