I'm so confused. What about her parents being neglectful translates to her not supporting them ( not like they asked her for support to begin with???) cause they live in a small village
At the end, he asks what his bfs thoughts are on what she said, meaning he ig sees how her actions correlate to her past, so I feel like I'm missing something?? (⊙…⊙ )

She said not being loved by her parents made her feel abnormal, and hanging around all her friends and classmates only made her want to be normal even more. She didn’t want him to feel like that so she tried to make him normal by setting him up with women. Walrus man asked because he figure once word of their relationship got out they would face scrutiny like that and maybe worse, so he’s tryna get a feel of if Baby Daddy can or would want to even deal with that.

She's young and upset and has limited experience in life and to her it looks like having a 'normal' home life could fix her problems, So thats what everyone should want and anything other than that would be hurtful. Because she's hurting.
Like someone who experienced medical neglect and then goes full anti-vaccine anti-science.

I think feeling bad isn't the right word for how I feel for the brother. I think he had enough time to think about why his actions were wrong. The universe made him understand, and then our mc finally reincarnated at a time when he had actively come to the conclusion that he was absolutely in the wrong back then, making sure history wouldn't repeat itself. It makes one sad cause now they would have a chance to be what they should have been in that first life, just brothers. But it is absolutely understandable why mc is not willing to accept him as a brother, especially considering he has only lived 2 lives in one of which he died cause of him. ( he doesn't owe him forgiveness for those kinds of actions)
I feel like this is one of the better ones simply cause it atleast tries to have a semblance of a story to it ( obviously not the main point of this but it makes it way more entertaining )