Puffers followed a list
29 12,2023
Puffers followed a list

My Ultimate BDSM list!!!
What does BDSM stand for you ask?
Bible discussions and study meetings ofc ;)

#1 - #36 are my personal recommendations
#37 - #64 is bondage
#65 - #72 are dom ukes and sub semes
#73 - #90 is pet play, exhibitionism, CNC roleplays
#153 - #170 are smutty/hardcore oneshots with taboos
#171 and on are femdom (hetero, yuri)

go ahead and recommend if you liked this list <3

maybe even tell me you fav kink in messages 

18 04,2022
Puffers followed a goer

yes, unfortunately, i am still alive and will continue to be a threat to society.

12 12,2021
Puffers followed a goer

I am high on oxygen and drunk of spoilers.
I have no idea what to write—

12 12,2021
Puffers followed a goer
12 12,2021
Puffers followed a goer

what the fuck

12 12,2021
Puffers followed a goer

not chronically online
live the moment

10 09,2021
Puffers asked a question

Can someone pls send me a list of fluffly mangas? I really want to see something like that rn. (=・ω・=)

Puffers asked a question

Any strong woman/fl in a fantasy world? Like there is no romance. Manga/hwa/hua

Can someone recommend me one? (=・ω・=)

Puffers recommended an album
Puffers answered question about lmao
Throw my chair at a window. That'll be surely annoying.
Puffers recommend the answer
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOTR1tcOAhjgi6YukrPpZxg Mafumafu-san I like his songs and his high notes, he can sing like a girl or like SEXY HOT man XD(watch his most famous song in youtube you won't regret) btw he is a MAN in his 29 years old (cuz they are some people who think he is a woman or a little kid XD) -when he sings like a girl https......
Puffers like the answer
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOTR1tcOAhjgi6YukrPpZxg Mafumafu-san I like his songs and his high notes, he can sing like a girl or like SEXY HOT man XD(watch his most famous song in youtube you won't regret) btw he is a MAN in his 29 years old (cuz they are some people who think he is a woman or a little kid XD) -when he sings like a girl https......