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Riaya February 19, 2025 6:44 pm

Okay this is actually pretty cute

Riaya January 26, 2025 12:29 pm

Y'all may be disappointed, but I'm actually happy the princess survived. I also get the feeling that this wasn't supposed to be the climax of the story, so maybe that's why I'm fine with it.

    natsuhi January 26, 2025 2:11 pm

    Same here! I'm so happy she lived guys think about it. The princess is why Lamille got with Roel anyways.

    Anpanan January 26, 2025 5:56 pm
    Same here! I'm so happy she lived guys think about it. The princess is why Lamille got with Roel anyways. natsuhi

    ....are we forgetting that because of what the princess did to him, he became so depressive and lost literally everything? Or that if it wasn't for Lamille, Roel's sister literally dies in the future because Roel couldn't afford it due to losing everything, and the one family he had left was an orphan from the war that he swore to protect? Who gave up his battle victories to another noble so he could take that child in? How far must have such a man like Roel been pushed into despair to even become that villain in the OG storyline?

    Lost his self-confidence and ability to walk, his whole strength as a soldier?? A hero soldier who is actually upright, and he lost it due to investigation of corruption, which is what the Princess was involved in.

    She could've tried to get Roel onto her side, or even after, try to get Lamille on her side. Whatd she do instead? Tried to incite war with Lamille's family and have her lands conquered by another. I'm not saying she should die, but she needs to take actual responsibility for the damage she caused. She didn't care for the consequences of her actions, only that she achieved her goals and that her knight was fine. But sure, go princess for getting revenge against the king, who honestly died too easily for all he did.

    Riaya January 28, 2025 4:39 am
    ....are we forgetting that because of what the princess did to him, he became so depressive and lost literally everything? Or that if it wasn't for Lamille, Roel's sister literally dies in the future because Ro... Anpanan

    I agree that she needs to take responsibility. 1000% with you on that. I do want to see more of her perspective in the future too and see how much of it was her own will and how much of it was done out of necessity to survive

    Anpanan January 28, 2025 10:35 am
    I agree that she needs to take responsibility. 1000% with you on that. I do want to see more of her perspective in the future too and see how much of it was her own will and how much of it was done out of neces... Riaya

    Yeah, I agree, her perspective is important too, esp bc she wasn't always like this. Esp bc the nobles gonna align her kind with inherent evil, which is exactly what the king would want, continuing the vicious cycle of werepeople vs humans. Ironic if she has to flee to Lamille's family lands bc they're not hostile to wereppl.

    Anyhow, I didn't have anything against ur comment, it was /natsuhi about Princess being the reason Lamille and Roel met. Roel's sister Armi met Roel bc she became an orphan and nearly died in war. Should she thank the corrupted kings and nobles who started the war bc she got to meet Roel?

    Also Lamille didn't fix Roel, she allowed him to remain his true self without falling onto the dark path. Bc rmbr he was always going to gain back his abilities, just in OG story he lost nearly everything before he could. If anything, he earned that blessing himself bc Lamille recognized how kind and a hero he was before his tragedy, and thus wholeheartedly want the better for him. Bc he deserved nothing of the horrors that befell him due to the King and Princess and nobles--

    Oh man- yeah I forgot the Princess completely cornered him bc she knew the nobles hated Roel being better than them but not noble-born, and she knew they would try block off his pension as a soldier. Thus leading to everything else he couldn't afford, his beloved servants leaving, house falling apart, couldn't afford leg treatment, his comrades literally going MIA so he couldn't get ANY support (the doctor, the count, and finance guy before Roel moves out), Armi dies, all of it--How did I forget that omg

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UwU May 12, 2021 5:08 am

Thank you so much <3

UwU May 12, 2021 5:02 am

Hi there, can I ask you for something?

Can you tell me where you read the novel of "I’ll Just Live on as a Villainess" please?

Thank you <3

Riaya May 12, 2021 5:07 am

Sure! Here's one of the websites for it

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