lmfao i literally SCREECHED when i read manager kang say, "should i try a rubdown too?" like bitch whaaat. do ya'll even remember the last time someone said that heuheuhuehue. minjae is SHAKING. then sunwoo really was like, "am i not as cute without them?" BITCH U FINE ASF. them looks and cuteness, yo hot ass have them all

"a long time ago...umm...like, a really long time ago...someone petted my head. just like this. everyday." lmfao i KNEW this was some kind of reincarnation shit. and why'd u suddenly get good at korean, cain? HUH? suspicious motherfucker but i love you and jooin together anyway. this is some, 'in another life' plot, i just KNOW huehuehuehue
atleast we know the uploader's a team yahwi? i'm still on cain's side tho. literally shrieked when he got dark all of a sudden saying things like, "it makes me not want to let you go." yas, cain. don't let him go.