Seo Jeongho and Han Sujin share a bond that dates back to their childhood. Jeongho, a renowned perso...

  • Author: Milkang
  • Genres: Webtoons / Josei / Mature / Smut
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Akito Shirasawa, a high school boy whose father is a film director, sees something in the library pr...

  • Author: Umagome Rakure
  • Genres: Comedy / Romance / Smut
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“Let me eat you.” One day, a man claiming to be a shark I saved in the past showed up at my plac...

  • Author: Fuuga yuyu
  • Genres: Josei / Adult / Mature / Smut / Reincarnation / Romance Reincarnation Romance

Haruko works as a housekeeper at Cunningham Hotel Tokyo. One day, the CEO, Izumi, makes a marriage p...

  • Author: Inoue Miju,Takamura Fumi
  • Genres: Drama / Romance
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  • Author: Tenten
  • Genres: Josei / Smut / Fantasy / Isekai Fantasy Isekai