The couple was kinda wholesome but I couldn’t help but question everything. Like why did the uke meet up with the green hair dude even though he was a complete stranger that never explained why he knew his name or how he got his number. How dumb can you be to not question that shit??? Also we never get an explanation as to what happened to the step brother that was raped. We just know that he was never rescued from his abusive step brother. So while the ending was sweet and wholesome it honestly wasn’t with all these questions being unanswered.
I liked it. Yea the drama was a bit much but that’s all manga at this point. Plus it kinda made sense. College kids are known to cause drama when their life is boring. Especially knowing how much Korean people gossip whenever they see anything they don’t like (but that’s most people). It may have seemed childish but most adults are like that.