Sandia0.ruler9.6 November 30, 2024 2:14 pm

So there’s this old comic that I just remembered from webcomics and when I clicked on it it said it wasn’t available and disappeared (my horrible memory kicked in and I can’t remember the title ╥﹏╥) It had heart somewhere in the title and the cover was like two men laying down but from opposite sides and a red string/ribbon looking thing I NEED TO FIND ITT

    Sudi November 30, 2024 2:41 pm

    One way crush?

    Sandia0.ruler9.6 December 1, 2024 12:43 am
    One way crush? Sudi

    No its a similar cover but it’s not that one

    Sudi December 1, 2024 6:16 am

    I am cuid(my name is love)??
    These 2 are the only ones I remember with red strings(˃︿˂ )

Sandia0.ruler9.6 July 6, 2021 7:00 am

so like there's this guy that i talk to and me and him are sorta friends, he told me that he has feelings for me i think he wants a relationship with me the problem is that i'm not interested in dating and i still haven't figured out my feelings

    Yukintash July 6, 2021 7:08 am

    Well if u arent sure about ur feelings for him, just tell him that u need some time to answer or figure it out. Overthinking it would just lead things to become more difficult.

    sonnerieA July 6, 2021 7:14 am

    prob reject him then

    marsxxx July 6, 2021 7:22 am

    tell him u dont like him. he's gotta respect that and if he doesn't, cut him off

    yan July 6, 2021 7:30 am

    just tell him that you’re not interested and not ready for a relationship. it is best in this situation to be as straightforward as possible. in my opinion, if you gave him false hope, and you half heartily committed to a relationship that you’re not ready for will hurt him more than you rejecting him. but at the end of the day it’s how you feel, so take as long as you need to figure things out with yourself and him. things like this take time, and that’s perfectly fine.

    Leyana May 7, 2021 9:52 am

    You are not alone if u hv anything to share I'm all ears if ur meant that way

    Sandia0.ruler9.6 May 7, 2021 9:56 am
    You are not alone if u hv anything to share I'm all ears if ur meant that way Leyana

    i would like that very much and the same goes for me if you wanna share something i'll listen

    Ugh001 May 7, 2021 9:58 am

    I just had a shitty exam today ....Online exams doesnt guarantee full marks and its pisses me off... i feel so depressed right now so i came to read something to make me feel better. .... and you are not lonely i shared my stuff... you can share yours...

    KurooSugarBaby May 7, 2021 10:10 am

    i lost all my bestfriend over 1 shitty new girl... for fuck sake... that girl is such a pick me girl and blame me for everything (︶︿︶)=凸

    Leyana May 7, 2021 10:16 am
    I just had a shitty exam today ....Online exams doesnt guarantee full marks and its pisses me off... i feel so depressed right now so i came to read something to make me feel better. .... and you are not lonely... Ugh001

    Its alright for one online exam dosent really matter as online u cant understand much and due to this virus thing it will rather get hard but on bright side u still have lot of time to study well and other ppl also understand that online studying is hard so when u get to give physical exam it would matter more and this is only one test believe in ur self and work harder next time

    Leyana May 7, 2021 10:16 am
    i lost all my bestfriend over 1 shitty new girl... for fuck sake... that girl is such a pick me girl and blame me for everything (︶︿︶)=凸 KurooSugarBaby

    Well that was all for better if ur friends can leave u for one girl then they aren't worth of u

    ryuks gf May 7, 2021 10:37 am

    same.. i feel like im slowly distancing away from my friends

    Ugh001 May 7, 2021 10:43 am
    Its alright for one online exam dosent really matter as online u cant understand much and due to this virus thing it will rather get hard but on bright side u still have lot of time to study well and other ppl ... Leyana

    Thaaaaankkk youuuuuu........ you are the only one who said something positive to me thank you sooo much i love you

    Leyana May 7, 2021 11:24 am
    same.. i feel like im slowly distancing away from my friends ryuks gf

    Hm well that's how u keep it it's in ur hands to change it, I pretty much call my friends most of the time I can talk to maybe because I'm not texting person but whenever I'm doing work I call them and u should do it too, in this way u can keep with what's happening in their life; recent updates and share about urself u will feel less lonely

    Leyana May 7, 2021 11:25 am
    Thaaaaankkk youuuuuu........ you are the only one who said something positive to me thank you sooo much i love you Ugh001

    It's alright, do it lil by lil and u will ace the next one and if not there r many more chances to come and u r giving ur best

    Leyana May 7, 2021 2:21 pm
    i would like that very much and the same goes for me if you wanna share something i'll listen Sandia0.ruler9.6

    Um since u were listening I just wanna went here that there was this comment I assume made my lgbt person that how bls didn't resemble real life situation and is all sugary and stuff like how easily straight guy falls for a gay and how bottoms r girly and that has bother me ever since like I too now compare as how it is true, i really wanna go back to when I didn't read that comment I can't enjoy myself now with this thought taunting me frist of all its friction so obviously u can't compare to real life but it's my fault for being nosy and Reading that comment

    Ugh001 May 7, 2021 2:47 pm
    Um since u were listening I just wanna went here that there was this comment I assume made my lgbt person that how bls didn't resemble real life situation and is all sugary and stuff like how easily straight gu... Leyana

    Its okaaaayyy.... i know how these stupid comments affect you... you know what even though its fiction i'll tell you they are inspired by true events.... and just keep reading stuff ok you'll soon forget about that comment.... Real life maybe not as fluffy and sugary but love finds all of us ♡♡♡

    Sandia0.ruler9.6 May 8, 2021 8:17 am
    same.. i feel like im slowly distancing away from my friends ryuks gf

    i also feel like this

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