TheSuperBunny answered question about question
Bro you don't get to decide that fujoshits aren't fetishizing mlm
TheSuperBunny asked a question

Any wholesome bara/geikomi without smut?

TheSuperBunny answered question about comic recommendations
River Phoenix May he rest in peace
TheSuperBunny answered question about question
One year up, one year down.
TheSuperBunny created a topic of Futago to Futago

I wanna punch the mc

TheSuperBunny answered question about your opinions
Try to properly confront her about it You shouldn't be subjected to transphobia, especially by a therapist
TheSuperBunny answered question about question
I'll kms I kms even if I wasn't incarnated
TheSuperBunny answered question about your opinions
I'm a gay guy and I'm always upset that girls just averagely look better than guys
TheSuperBunny answered question about question
Porpiol Muted purple
TheSuperBunny answered question about anal sex
Junji Itou is the definition of mid. In my opinion his art is like 7/10 and believe me that his storytelling is horrible His plots are all built the same, with the exact same structure of: 1.everything normal 2. Someone discovers something a bit strange 2.5 (sometimes) strange thing starts to happen to other (mostly unrelated) people 3. That stran......
TheSuperBunny answered question about question
Um akshually ASD is a neurodevelopmental disorder
TheSuperBunny answered question about question
Afuredashita namida no you ni hitotoki no kirameku inochi nara ba deai to wakare o kurikaesu hibi no naka de ittai zentai nani o shinjire ba ii

Please I really wanna discuss stuff about banana fish with people with good knowledge and understanding of it and I have no one to do it with Σ(  ̄□ ̄||)