Hi! I'm looking for this manhwa and it was SUPER popular at the time. basically ppl got summoned, and first they go through a training trial but MC's levelling status was broken, so he was basically trapped at lvl1 in the pretrial grounds. mc lowkey went insane, stuck there for so long in isolation. he also got MAD buff with a large ass berserker sword. anywyas he eventually got to the fantasy setting he was summoned too. he also longs for fridges and modern day toilets and cannot access them bc his lvl is too low (he's constantly at lvl1)
he has a sidekick dude/mage who has long red hair and entire shtick is that he's a twink. he also meets like 2 dragons. they also fought this dude in a volcano or mountainside or smth whose powers were constant regeneration that's close to immortality.

Hi! I read this manga like years ago, and if i remember correctly it was set in a fantasy world and MC (dark hair, stereotypical japanese shounen protag) was the hero of the kingdom/place (i cant remember if he was a hero that was "summoned" here, or if this was a video game setting and he is just a super strong player). i believe the manga format shows like a status bar looking thing for that has skills and whatnot.
manga starts off with a large fight between MC and this final boss looking dragom thingy, and mc was on a ship/harbor thing??? and i think he had strong allies, too. i think after he defeats it, mc retires or smth, but the gist is that he disappears and the story rlly starts when he kinda returns. does anyone know what im talkimg about?

I'm pretty sure it's a manga, and if I remember correctly, there's a male MC who gets isekai'd with the rest of his class to another world. it's like super cliche i think, but not really(?). like MC gets transported to the middle of the woods, and i think the female god/deity is actively antagonistic towards him, like is trying to kill him off on purpose through where she spawned him with the belief that he'll die (since like. nobody makes it out of those woods or smth bc they're cursed or smth like that idek). and he ends up nearly dying in the forest bc of monsters and fantasy stuff and he has super trash skills. meanwhile, some of his classmates, especially a popular girl and boy, end up praised by the royal family (because everyone else was transported to like, this monarchy thing or whatever). and in this manga, i'm pretty sure the MC is not meant to befriend the rest of the class- like if anything i think the plot was setting up the MC to directly compete with the popular kids (it's like,, the stereotypical edgy teenager vs popular kids trope idek). and i think there was this nice female classmate who could use two types of magic, and it's implied she's probably going to end up being an important character.
it's like. idk i just remember reading it during my COVID trash-binge-reading days, and i just suddenly remembered it and wondered whatever happened to it since i'll get random updates of old, very similar stories every so often from other mangas, and i just suddenly wondered whatever happened to this one.

Tbh your comment sent me in a frenzy to find it , cause I also knew of something like that . So I literally checked all the class isekai like that which were usually in black and white, I totally thought the same as you . then I remembered there was a scene in the forest and it was colored it was no biggie

im trying to find this story that i barely remember. it's a sport/sniper/archery plot and it centers around a set of twins, both dudes, and the other characters don't recognize they're twins, either. they just think it's one dude. i'm pretty sure there was no romance or fl/ml, but it was kind of a drama(?) or at least it wasn't purely a sport/action plot.

hi! i'm looking for this manga and i genuinely can't remember most of it, but i think there are two friends (both guys i think), one of them who was rude to the mc at first. the genre is supernatural, and i think one of the guys can see like these shadowy monsters of some sort? or ghosts? or maybe they both can, don't remember. the colour themes often turn black and red during thriller moments, and i remember at one point, there was this girl whose sister was paranoid and locked in her room, and she had this camera with her. this camera was like possessed by a ghost or something, and one of the guys approached it and saw the shadow of the girl/shell of her hiding in it(?) in like a cocoon? and the camera monster (i think was like a spider spirit or smth) was like leeching the life force out of her.
and there was another monster they faced that included this toy doll/clown/stuffed animal i think, and they befriended it or something?

it's this manga about a human who travels around and encounters different creatures and basically writes + reviews this journal and notebook about their various cultural differences. i remember two massive topics at one point, one of them being languages + grammar between different species, and another being cannibalism and how its meaning/taboo varies from culture to culture.

Did he have a werewolf kid as a sidekick? If so it’s https://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/heterogeneous_linguistics/

it's like a reincarnation manhwa of this girl who's destined to never die and always reincarnate in the same world until she figured out the meaning of life or love or smth like that (this is NOT a romance driven plot). she used to have many suitors/admirers, but she never understood love so she kinda discarded it and god was like "yeahhh this is a problem," so this was like god's punishment. in her most recent lives, she was like a ruler or a war general or smth like that, and made history. rn, she's like this child, and i vividly remember her unwillingly babysitting other kids her age while trying to discover the meaning of life and asking them this question even though they're like "wtf"

i feel like she was like. considered "god's first creation of woman" or something like that??? and she's overall pretty badass since she lived so many lives being various people and stuff. in this current life, she even encounters old officials/nobles or something like that who used to be connected with her past lives.

hi! i'm looking for this zombie apocalypse manga. pretty sure it starts off with mc being sent to jail, and the story progresses with him and a couple other prisoners (i think?) as they basically make their way through the apocalypse even though it's hinted that relationships were doomed from the start.
i remember that one of the prisoners, while in a perilous situation, had a flashback. he had a super abusive and mentally delirious mom, and would always try to please her. he had glasses and a bowlcut, btw. he would come home and if his grades weren't good, she'd basically whip his palms bloody. at the end of his flashback, it was shown that CPS workers (or cops?) who came to visit his house on child abuse tips, were mentioning how they'll take him away etc and save him. but that just freaked him out because he didn't want to get separated from his mom, so he impulsively murdered one of them and that's the reason why he was sent to jail. while he was cuffed, he saw his mom talking to the neighbours about the spotlight and how she was meant to be a star, because they were gathering due to the attention of the crime.
that's like the most specific thing i can remember about this manga. thanks in advance!

i haven't read this in a long time so i don't remember but sounds like https://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/apocalypse_no_toride/
i think it was a manga or a manhwa. it was like an apocalyptic thing? i think. i don't remember if there were zombies. the setting was in a school, and the drawing style focused more on scenery rather than on the characters. i think it might include androids/robots(?) and they may not be on the main characters' side. there might be pods. i believe these are androids, they may be characters wearing machinery, but i'm pretty sure they were androids who would attack humanity (i think). also there are multiple perspectives, i believe, of connected main characters who i think are all students. it's a pretty "realistic" approach (lots of confusion, weaponry, i don't THINK there is any regression/foresight but i can't remember). i think there was a girl character who was also good at fighting.
i read this like, maybe 4-6 years ago. i don't think there was very vibrant colors, if any at all. at the time it only had around 30ish chapters i think, and it didn't garner lots of attention.
it's not deadlife or zomgan.