IMMA LOSE MY FUCKING MIND like i'm trying to read the intense fight of MC against one of the actual elites, his FIRST real fight where we can see how he holds up against someone else with real street cred as well as actually seeing his real fighting skills since we haven't gotten a large grasp of it yet, AND IM GETTING INTERRUPTED WITH ANOTHER MANHWA WHOSE ENTIRE ARTSTYLE IS FANTASY GACHA CHARACTERS LIKE STOPPPPPP IT I'M GETTING ANGRY!! it's like im getting EDGED wth the build-up of a good wind-up kick only to see a googly-eyed, shonen-ass MC in a white tuxedo like JESUS

oo. i love how mc acts like an old politician (entitled, kinda outta touch with reality of the working class, a little manipulative), but truly isnt corrupt. most realistic, non-corrupt political figure that could exist at his level (a jackass who takes the system for granted, but still does his job)
silver-haired kid is def a foil to MC. similar personalities/drive as well as father-figures, but completely different backgrounds, social classes, and personal goals relative to their dad and the anger/hatred/neglect they were raised with. i wonder if a part of it is bc at least the rest of the gang MC was involved with seemed to like MC as their own, or at least the uncle does. while silver-haired dude treats the manager/whoever speaks to him on behalf of the dad, as just some dude he orders around.