So, I just read all of this in one sitting and I am confused as hell. All I know is, they're together in the end, so.. I'll take it I guess haha. Just wish there was a little more to the ending (a little smut for example... -cough-).
Also I have absolutely no idea how the beginning links in to all this. Was that the end of a 'failed' Moritat attempt?

Yes! Law said so. It was the end of the last 'failed' Moritat. I also read it in one sitting and I had to go back and forth all the time because I couldn't get the ideas lol I'm here with a headache at 4am lol I think I have to reread it to figure things out better ( ̄∇ ̄") and I agree with you about the ending.. they didn't even show their lips touching with what <I suppose> was a kiss

Thanks for clearing that up! I'm always so easily confused with anything regarding memory alteration/control/ or brain manipulation (I don't even know what to call it haha), re-reading would definitely help~ (≧∀≦)
I was hoping for maybe some fluffy extras or something, but seeing as it ended a while ago, I guess that won't happen > <

Yeah, and since they change the 'truth' various times in a row that makes thing even more confusing. Since the beginning I was always asking what had happened with the very beginning memory. Jesse remembered he was thrown from a cliff and even so never mentioned it again! lol ah yes, someone commented here that this manga was more about the journey than the destination

When I read chapter 26, my heart broke for Bum.. Someone needs to protect this poor child. And Sangwoo is just standing there, gawking at him like an idiot.

I also think that Sangwoo might just messing with Bum, pretending to corner him and see his reaction because he wasn't satisfied with the uncle's story. It was boring, didn't match his expectation and a waste of time. I agree that Sangwoo was quite patient considering everything wasn't going well that day.
Since I don't think Sangwoo have any emotional investment towards Bum, he might find Bum's cutting the wrist amuses him or just pretend to be shock and be very sympathetic instead.

Yes, he might not be emotionally invested in Bum. But still invested in him in some way. I think his shock is genuine, but since this is Sangwoo, I also think he'll recover from it quickly and be amused too. He might hover around Bum, satiating his curiosity more than anything. That's the prediction closest to canon that could happen.
But another reaction that I could think of is that he'd be pretty pissed. How dare Bum, his property, do that without his permission? Or something along those lines. The slice was pretty big, lots of blood was lost and Bum's not exactly the model of good health good stature. I'd be a happy to see a pissed, panicked and frustrated Sangwoo struggling to keep someone alive. It'd be a lovely change. He's disposed bodies before, and have dealt with the dead. But I wonder if he had struggled to keep someone alive before?

I agree, that moment when Sangwoo decided to keep Bum alive is already an investment. I forgot that when Bum's missing he was already panicking and lose his composure. Maybe Bum's cutting his wrist and dying could trigger Sangwoo's past event that hasn't been revealed yet too. Chapter 27 is full of possibilities.
I kind of feel like that new character has just been dumped into the story just so that Siwon and Jinha can get some more drama in their lives (and eventually get closer), without needing Donghyun to have to play the 'bad guy'.
I understand that, but.. can't we get some more 'normal' time with them? They seriously need some time together where they're both just hanging out, rather than having some crazy ass psycho come in and stir things up.