Whocares created a topic of Kimi no Sumire

This was so damn cute. I don't really like high school BL based romance. I mean if this was college it would've been better but the interactions were so cute and even though its a short story, the build up was pleasant.

Whocares created a topic of Karekoi Rihabiri

It's hard finding decent romance where the interactions are actually good and the leads are older so I do take what I can get. I do have my criticisms, nonetheless. The female lead is not my cuppa since she's too immature and reacts like a teenager. I do like male lead but their age difference and maturity levels aren't compatible.

Whocares created a topic of Our Future (Cheok Kong)

Gorl that table looks like it's wooden IT WILL ABSORB FLUIDS TF Y'ALL DOING. This is why I can't with any public sex. Overthinking and stressed.

Whocares created a topic of Hold Me Safe/Holding room

You can't go through life throwing cans at people lmao. I wish but you just can't.

Whocares created a topic of Orokamono Wangeru Naito

This was hella cute. I mean the first time they had sex I was like you're both in need of a shower tf y'all doing BUT BESIDES ALL THAT. It was really cute. Some panels really warmed my heart like when Fuji first seen Kira with the bandaged head and he threw a goofy smile at him.

Whocares created a topic of Checkmate(TAN)

I feel like he should've hesitated and questioned more about biting his neck. This shit is going to bother me lmao. The story was bizarre from the get with the vendetta Soohyun had with Eunsung and then sleeping together and then the professor being a predator and all that BUT THEN THE NONCHALANT COWORKER NECK BITING.

Tbh im conflicted. I kind of want her to be with the chairman. I don't like how the father straight up asked her for sex when they first met. Made me feel like he immediately viewed her as a toy and gave me the ick. The chairman doesn't like children and can cook so he's a babe in my book. BUT I would actually like her to end up with therapy at the end cause she has some unresolved issues she needs to address lmao. She seems to know she has issues but doesn't know what they are.

Whocares created a topic of Shangri La no Tori

I'm actually shocked this got updated because I was just reading the chapter summaries someone in the comments linked. Only Apollo with his big ass yaoi hands is able to hold a book with one hand and be able to flip the pages. I could never.

I was still shook even though I knew it was going to happen lmao. Such a cliche moment right when she's about to slip past him he goes for her.

Whocares created a topic of Color Recipe

I love psychological/thriller/drama but having lust and someone pining for a person and calling it love and giving it a romance tag doesn't fit.

Whocares answered question about watch anime
It's a struggle finding decent romance stories in both genres for me. The majority really does suck and what's popular confuses tf out of me.
Whocares created a topic of How to fight

BOI WAS CRYING AND I FELT HIS JOY. I love the comments in the chat. They always talk some shit and it's so funny. Alsooooo the creator adding in character reactions before showing us what happens is so creative. Usually, in media, they reveal what happens to the audience and then character reactions, so doing something a tad different does make the story more engaging.

I WILL NEVER ADMIT TO LIKING THIS KIND OF STORY ANYWHERE ELSE. I should've outgrown it with my wattpad days but here I am.

Whocares created a topic of Hold Me Safe/Holding room

It's just...the mechanics of it all. The messes... ik it's fictional and it's a story but pls.

So cute. The story, the interactions, the acceptance. Not too long. No bad characters. Peak romance.

Whocares created a topic of Noraneko to Ookami

Futami from http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/yankee_no_kareshi_ga_dekiru_made/
Kind of humored me.

I'm not reading this cause I don't like the age difference and legality aside, it's weird. I promise you someone in their 20s has no business with an adolescent. They are in two different sections of life that should not coincide. There is nothing wrong with a 7 year age difference when its a 30 year old and a 37 year old. A 22 and 15? No. 22 and 16? No. 22 and 18 is even weird to me. What business does someone in their 20s would want to have with a CHILD. Those that defend this are either too young to understand or are weird themselves.

JUST LIFE MOVING ON but ofc we need them to end up together. Wonder if there's going to be a time skip

Whocares answered question about long distant relationship
Idc if they're fictional, referring to characters as their positions during sex is weird. Should be unlearned and shouldn't be normalized. I can see why gay/bi guys feel fetishized because no one refers to het or lesbian characters with such demeaning language. AGAIN IDC IF THEYRE FICTIONAL, IT'S STILL MESSED UP.
Whocares created a topic of Anemone no Shishuu

I've always seen (hoped) him as 20-24 range because he worked at a bar and that he's in college. I truly cannot understand authors that make their characters so young like can you not. Such a gross age difference if he is a teenager. Even 19 and 20 would be too young idc about legality. Frio is 30.

Whocares created a topic of The King of Home Cooking

Such a fun and funny character.

I kind of don't like Jiho but it's why he's such a great character. He knows he has people wrapped around his finger BUT I get that he needs to think about his own situation first and foremost.
PERSONALLY, would like if this ended with him choosing neither Woohyuk or PD Lee.