80 fucking chapters I sat and waited for this scene to happen it was fucking worth it THOSE BITCHES GOT WHAT THEY DESERVED like what did he expect for Navier to do? Beg for him to take her back? Unlike the living garbage your deciding to marry NAVIER HAS DIGNITY AS SHE SHOULD LIKE A QUEEN BOSS BITCH FUCK YEA

I don’t know if it’s just me not understanding the translations or what, but I don’t like Keith at all. To me it seemed like he had no remorse for the trouble he caused yeonwu earlier in the story. I also don’t understand his complete 180 where he sleeps with other guys completely snd then the second josh showed interest in Yeonwu and they found out yeonwu is pregnant he suddenly wanted to marry him. Like weren’t you just okay with being a manwhore and dating other people in front of yeonwu now you want to marry him? Wtf
Does anyone know where to find the raws for this or the Spanish version uncensored?
is season 2 out in spanish?
not sure if its uncensored but you can check https://newtoki305.com/webtoon/28207725?stx=%EC%83%88%EB%B2%BD+%EA%B5%AC%EB%A6%84+%EA%B0%95&title=%EC%83%88%EB%B2%BD-%EA%B5%AC%EB%A6%84-%EA%B0%95