mooznnn followed question about question

What was that one manga/hwa/hua that you persistently refused to read but ended up being really good?

12 11,2024
mooznnn like the answer
what if I ruin this
mooznnn followed question about question

No but seriously I noticed less and less ppl are here everyday and it's just 3-10 ppl answering in forums. Normally this would be 20-30 answers... Where are the rest of yall

15 10,2024
mooznnn followed question about question

No shit I wanted to be a stripper as a kid

12 10,2024
mooznnn followed question about question

i have an extremely annoying male classmate thats very stubborn and arrogant. he doesnt do anything for group projects and makes a fuss about having to memorize 2 sentences for a presentation that I MADE and WROTE, he steals my food then throws the wrapper at my face and calls me racist slurs for no apparent reason. everytime i try talking to him f......

06 10,2024
mooznnn like the answer
Is this goof enough? I tried my best took me almost 1 hour pls give me nitro now
mooznnn followed question about question

I drew u pregnant mark zuckerberg like u wanted me to

16 07,2024
mooznnn asked question about question

I drew u pregnant mark zuckerberg like u wanted me to

mooznnn followed question about your opinions

Do you guys have any particular toxic trait about yourself?if so what is it?

20 04,2024
mooznnn like the experience about question
Omg i decided to read this again and this part reminded me of the donkey
mooznnn followed a goer
14 08,2021
mooznnn followed a goer

12 08,2021
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09 08,2021
mooznnn followed a list
07 08,2021
mooznnn followed a goer

Uh yo what's up lost my Other bio and I'm to lazy to re-write it all over again so I'm just going to do a half ass one

Little Sibling of @theSuperbunny (aka a VERY annoying rat)
Kid of @no (bro still hasn't come back with the milk)

If you're on my page to follow me then uh pretty please tell me why when you follow me bc I want to know 

May or may not be on here a lot

And yes I know I use a lot of Emojis but trust me if mgg didn't keep deleting my bio bc There was too many emojis I would have used a lot more

27 07,2021