Searching for a manga that represents rape n a more realistic fashion
I know it’s what you asked for but warning anyways that it’s pretty jarring:
maybe it's from this author....?
Realistic psychological representation of rape
short summary:
older brother gets sexually harassed by younger adoptive brother (for years) older brother is super terrified that itll be found out. when older brother starts working, starts a relationship(desperation?) with a coworker. coworker finds older brother getting raped by adoptive brother. they break up. older brother and adoptive brother run away, older brother is depressed and consuders suicude. later misunderstand between coworker and older brother gets solved. older brother gets therapy and has ED. older brother ends up with adoptive brother.
extra things i remember:
NO super girly or manly characters, just average looking, simplystic, mostly black-white arstyle with hardly any screentones, i think from 2013, artstyle is stable and pretty, but weird propostions ( NOT like thos mangas with yaoi hands or smth)
adoptive brother is blond, older brother and cowirker have black hair, 2 volumes, very good expressions
Lowkey jealous of both characters