Silent created a topic of Monochrome Rumor

Does anyone have the novel?

Silent created a topic of As The Heart Leads

This looks like a story id eat up when I was 12

Silent created a topic of Night of the Unmarked

This actually made me love mc. Him talking about his feelings and how unfair ml being was so nice, and not enough stories do this. And him rebelling isnt childish at all, he is just trying to show ml how he feels through actions because words dont reach him.

Silent answered question about question
I dont know exactly how, but I realized one day that the meaning of life, or at least mine, is to simply, live. Its hard to explain this feeling or moral in words, and the best way to understand it is probably to watch the movie Soul (they portray it very well). All I can say, is that MY thought process sometimes goes like "we will all die anyway,......
Silent created a topic of Oshi no Ko

Just in case some of you think its a good idea; hiding feelings and and lying about feeling sadness is not a good thing and it does NOT help in the long run (coming from experience). So good luck Ruby with lying (or I just didnt get the ending ( ̄∇ ̄")?)

Silent created a topic of Monster and Ghost

Careful what you wish for huh?

Why did this go from having potential to becoming the most generic y/n insert watpad story. Am literally scrolling through every panel that doesnt have Rosie and Yuriel in them

Silent created a topic of Obsidian Bride
Silent created a topic of Involuntary Romance
Silent created a topic of Inso's Law Webtoon

Aww, he called strong :D

Silent created a topic of Obsidian Bride

Platinum is so selfish. He can apperantly "die any minute" and yet he joined a dating show?? Not only that he wanted to date Marianne, who just had her husband die?? Brother what

Silent answered question about question
Not a series but the movie Soul. Saw it recently because I heard it was shit when it first came out and god, it was so good. I think its super underrated (for an obv reason), but its so annoying that no one talks about it. Its stuck in my brain 24/7
Silent answered question about question
Teenage depression. Its so sad that a human being so young who has yet to experience the beauty of life, only feels that they can feel at ease being dead. I remember the chills I got when my mom told me that she wanted to go to America instead of where we live now, but dad disagreed. Am thankfull for him, because if we lived in America I might hav......
Silent asked a question

Please, anything similar to this??
The vaillain being actually smart and manipulative with good characters and bl?

Silent created a topic of Doku wo Kurawaba Sara Made

This was the first time I felt this way reading a manga. I hate the ml, I despise him for excisting. He should die in the story so I can reincarnate as him and take the mc as my bride. IT SHOULD BE ME NOT HIM Σ(っ°Д °;)っ