Idk his name but he lost my support when he said he’s married

calm down miss girl was jst a question you don needa b to rilled up for nthn
yoonseo herself had apologised for taking wooyeon away from lee geom, if anything yoonseo got w wyn in the first place to take advantage of him since they were both goin thru deep shite n that + in early chapters of the past yso said to wyn that in order for them to find lgm together they need do climb up the social ladders and work in places where it will b easier to find him since them bein som uni kids will do shit, they needed some power, stable finance and stuff, and if you didnt already know, yso was hinting there for wyn and her to stay together just for the sake of finding lgm!!
I understand its wrong n shit but wyn loves yso, yes but not as much as wyn loves lgm. Yso admits stealing wyn from lgm and stuff so, its hard to explain but you need to use your brain to put it together. they are only fiancé's just because they are going through the same pain and they thought they could stick together. period
He got my dying at “Apology???” Idk why that had me dead laughing cause man is confused