I don’t think this is Yuri, or just men fetishizing lesbians again. They look like they are sucking dicks. I saw the other chapter in another website and it’s weird bro.. why add a high schooler if ur gonna make it about some weird sexual food fetish. Y’all the reason I cant eat a banana normally :(

I was looking around for something to read and chose this for some reason even tho I rarely read het. Anyways, it’s not that bad at all despite being harem and a smut.. compared to most that I’ve read before this is like really good. Well for now. Go ahead and read this if ur looking for sum het smut with good art and decent plot.

It started off strong but then the plot got took over by kissing scenes and and smut scene. It feels forced because mid way in the story, kissing scenes happened like every chapter. I didn’t hate it but the feel just isn’t there anymore mid-way. Story wise, it would’ve been better if they focus on the plot more and maybe luke in denial even harder because as far as it’s showed, the denial is not really that impactful at all like he just suddenly accepted. He thought he was straight his whole life just to find out he’s into guys too should’ve made him question his identity atp since he claims to like girls only lmfao. Overall, I give this a solid 7 /10. Art style is to die for but it could’ve been better. Of course if it’s supposedly a smut manhwa then it would be understandable if they focus on make out scenes more but I don’t think this is a smut manhwa sooo.. still a good read

That’s true! Nothings wrong with not having a denial phase but for me even if hes open minded, it seems like they were going for Luke being in denial route and then got drop bc they started kissing a lot. It acts as accepting that he’s interested in men too but they could have execute it better imo! I think them rushing things midway and possibly fan service from the author(?) definitely affected that aspect as well as the plot midway

Just my prediction but blue hair will likely get heart broken by pink hair then the relationship between brown hair and blue hair will finally take the next step. And I don’t think pink hair will move on from her dead lover or fall inlove anytime soon as she stated that she’s not looking to date. Idk what she’s thinking but she def knows that brown hair likes blue hair and to me, it seems like she’s just purposely fooling around with both of them lmao. That will help brown hair to realize her feelings for blue hair soon and make blue hair realize that pink hair was never interested in her that way( I think she knows, just didn’t want to admit it or possibly thinking there’s hope). The plot is okay but I don’t like the execution. I would much prefer the author to focus on the main couple more cuz like there’s not much development to their relationship at all and assuming it’s already half way thru the story. The pacing is also eh.. I also don’t like this kind of support character. Like yeah they are meant to make move the story forward but this kind of support character is just not for me. Idrk how to explain it but I think you get what I mean. This manhwa is pretty decent, nothing special so this is a 3/5 for me
I got uncomfortable and stopped at chapter 6. This is obviously written by a straight man and he def projecting.. Like okay I don’t fetish shame but the way mc acts is absolutely creepy and disgusting