ik this is a manga only question box but i have seriously no one to talk to about this please hear me out somebody none of my friends know i like this guy so i ave no one to seek advice from

THIS GUY! CALL HIM FRED texted me because we go to the same cram school. we became quick friends i helped him with maths he sent me notes and i kinda developed some feelings for him BUT not serious. anyways one night at 12 am he sends me a playlist with love songs saying "i made this for you :)" tht was whn i thought oh maybe i do like him. however he then no hints. NONE. then we started texting again. and hung out a few times and he's doing shit like patting me, play fighting, comparing hand sizes, carrying my purse, giving me gifts. one night when we were texting he suddenly replied to one of my texts saying "man i wished she said that to me" (implying he likes someone else and thats not me) i was taken aback but he's my friend so we hang out the next day again where do does all the stf i mentioned above again and teaches me valorabnt by putting his hand over mine on the mouse completely engulfing me (he has a big build, im small nd petite) then again he texts flirtatiously at home AND I dont know what to do since i do like him but maybe im just lonely and easy but. CHAT do you think i hve a chance? i do like him.

Don't take my advice seriously but he sounds like that guy who is overly friendly borderline flirting but don't take your feeling seriously
You could ask him but then it'll make your relationship weird if he didn't have the same feeling
If you like him flirting with you, you could just confess
But if you don't like him doing all that, just tell him that makes you uncomfortable if he doesn't have feelings for you

OKAYOKAYOKAY OKAY you should DEFINITELY bring out the topic of "she" out of him like maybe as in YK? homie way ask him OMG YOU HAVE A CRUSH ON SOMEONE? like they way you would will go if someone tells about their crush and then drag the conversation w omg who? Do I know her? Act like you're actually happy that your homie has a crush and NOT AS IN a snarky way
Before you go won't i be too nosy that way? WELL GIRLYPOP HE BROUGHT UP "SHE" first (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ if he gives your stereotypical "you know her very well" aah shi THEN BBG ITS YOU js maneuver your way in that conversation to make him spill bc honestly if he isn't interested in you u DESERVE TO KNOW ASAP don't let him string u along princess

i have an english exam tomorrow, so im reading manga for practice for my stroy writing essay ヾ(☆▽☆)

I wrote and described joo jaekyung job as a mma and wrote how competitors are waiting like a pack of hyenas and wrote his job and personality as i chose and essay related to work...i wrote mostly manga ,manhwa phrases ,guess what i got the best mark ever on my English exam so far ....you can also say its pure luck....but many phrases are so eye catching and great english and storiess...you just need to choose well what and how to write them

It's actually a really good strategy, I learnt English (second language) through reading BL manga and fanfiction and watching kpop videos with eng sub (pre-gangnam style era was hard to foreign fans), I was soon the best in the schools I went to, to the point that in one of them the kids accused me of going to an English language school (too expensive so nope). By high school I was so good that in the college entrance exams I treated the English questions as a free point and got max grade on them lol, currently I'm studying to become an ELT for ESL, my spoken English is better than some of my uni teachers while I'm also partaking in international classes. Now I find reading documents, papers, essays, etc, to be easier in English than in my mother tongue so I usually finish reading all classes materials faster than my peers.
Gotta say tho, I learnt the word "cum" before the word "then" so watch out. (I knew what it represented in a sentence but I couldn't make the conection to my mother tongue. But my vocabulary back when I used to read multiple fanfictions a day used to be really good)

learning "cum" before the word "then" is wild
also i did finish doing like a 100 phrasal verbs quiz and 50 or so transformative sentences and stuff. ik my formats for directive writing.. and i should be fine right???
this is supposed to be the main exam of my life goddamnit im gonna lose it like why cant i stop procrastinating ┗( T﹏T )┛

my exam is literally 3 days away and im going to lose my shit. all i do all day all night is read manhwas here im so tired of everything how do i find the motivation to study (ps. this might be the exam that will decide my future)

LITERALLY ME... my attention span is so short when it comes to studying and so good when it comes to reading manhwas... i choose reading a good ol isekai manhwa w the same plot over studying for my BUSINESS DEGREE... and i am as well a chronic procrastinator.
i somehow pass all of my classes despite my toxic obsession with manhwas...
key tip for next time is to set your deadlines for a specific task a week earlier than it actually is due and just remeber the deadline you give yourself not the actual one thats given so youre more prepared...
i believe in you friend! (▰˘◡˘▰)
how did it turn into whatever the heck that it is???? istg i remember leaving it at comedy scene with a few bl moments. now its a full on yaoi with ai generated art????