sneepsnop like the answer
I completely agree rape is never ok and shouldn’t be romanticized or excused wether it’s real life of fiction that’s not up to debate. The thing with me it’s that I don’t care if people like it in fiction ofc no one wants to be raped irl and some people don’t have partners do if they want to fulfill their fantasies with fiction it isnt ......
sneepsnop answered question about thoughts about rape in fiction
the only thing i find off is that you specified in fiction specifically. absolutley, rape is vile and abhorrent in real life. But fiction isnt real. Rape fetishes are also the most common for women to have, and CNC is a healthy outlet for that. Other ways of practicing it safely without a partner is with erotica. SA survivors are also more prone to......
sneepsnop answered question about song lyrics stuck in head
sneepsnop answered question about stupidest thing everdone
so, yeah you stole that off the internet so thats dumb, but my sister found the bdsm fanfic i was reading. nothing happened to me since she has read it too but like, jesus fuck the reason she found it is so embarrassing.
sneepsnop answered question about have a wild imagination
uh, shojo tsubaki.. if you know it you know it and probably are like "what the fuck is wrong with you that manga was bad enough to be banned in japan" and i say, i have ptsd and a lot of trauma i use dark fiction to cope. so, yeah.
sneepsnop answered question about have a wild imagination
:hearts4you: hahah its a discord emote from one of my servers
sneepsnop answered question about have an unpopular opinion
If they didn't give you explicit permission, and even if they did, if they are below the consenting age, it is sexual harrasment and illegal. so, yeah
sneepsnop answered question about have an unpopular opinion
I dont make my bed normally, because im too busy. but people do it for the room atmosphere, a clean and tidy room helps relieve anxiety and can help with stress. also aesthetic.
sneepsnop answered question about have an unpopular opinion
I mean, it really is just fiction. We say that because the people who dont like to read rape, do so anyways, and say that it shouldnt exist. But it should! Its completley normal and healthy to fantasize about those things, and in fiction they can be explored without reprecussions. You are entitled to your own opinion of course, but when you bash ......
sneepsnop answered question about confess to your crush
I am A) a minor, B) asexual, C) have severe trust issues and also likely have ptsd
sneepsnop answered question about have an unpopular opinion
If they havent offended, get them help. if they have, id want them dead. especially if they are proud of it. that shit's deplorable. not talking about lolisho tho, of course theres exceptions. some loli-shotas are pedos but most of em arent
sneepsnop answered question about have an unpopular opinion
that im going to ship whatever the hell i want to whenever the hell i want to and people sending me fucking death threats isn't gonna change that. "iT norMalIzeS (whatever problematic aspect the ship is)" bitch, no. Do you think videogames cause violence? if you dont, you are a hypocrite. its the same logic, applied the same way. multiple studies h......