I don’t care if I was on my deathbed and I needed money for medicine to save me, do not take some thing from someone just because you thought it was beautiful or nice and then sell it to get the medicine, also the girl looks like she could be 9 or older you should know not to take stuff from others and sell it.

I don’t understand why tall people think they can automatically win a fight against a short person or someone that is smaller than them

No, not always or even most of the time. The situation depends on the opposing person’s health, build, previous physical experiences, etc. Tall people who tend to act arrogant and overconfident because they’re taller than someone, are judging the shorter person based on only their height and feels superior because they can physically tower over them. Also the feeling of towering over someone, combined with the girl’s past experiences with always being the one in power is why she’s so bold and cheeky.
do with the classes looked ten times hotter when hes angry/choking someone
dude* how did i fuck that up smh