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TAKUyaki's message board ( All 2 )

bwokwuto January 27, 2021 3:30 pm

Can we talk? I'd like to talk to you personally. Sorry if I was emotional with that message. I wrote that when I woke up after collapsing and I started having a panic attack so I just said whatever came to my head. I'm getting discharged tomorrow just so you know. Kinda irrelevant, but yeah I just wanted to say that.

Anyway, I wanna tell you that I'm really sorry for exposing you in public like that.

idk if you've been a fan of Love or Hate for a long time but when the series started I had a group of friends who all liked Joowon. At that time everyone liked Taku so we were always harassed and made fun of. My friends deleted their accounts because they kept receiving hate mail and a few of them even got death threats just because they liked Joowon. One of them in particular started cutting themselves cause of all the hate. And when I saw your comment and when you changed your username I just remembered everything my friends had to go through.

It wasn't your fault. You probably like Taku but also want peace with Joowon stans. And you're right, that's how it's supposed to be. I was really selfish for throwing you into the public like that. I got overwhelmed by my emotions and hurt you. I was wrong and I'm really sorry. I don't expect you to forgive me cause I can understand how you feel. I've been humiliated before as well.

Everything I did was unacceptable and cruel and I will take responsibility for them. I hope you'll be able to continue reading on mangago without any of the negative feelings I forced onto you. Take care and again, I'm really sorry.


TAKUyaki January 27, 2021 4:07 pm

awww sorry also i hope your doing well lets spread love now and throw negativity peace

miyanomamoruisbae January 20, 2021 3:20 pm

hi just wanted to say taku's a son of a bitch and ur a weirdo for simping for that bitch lmao-

TAKUyaki January 20, 2021 5:30 pm

thank you for making an account just for me <3 you are the sweetest

TAKUyaki January 20, 2021 5:39 pm

@Madame du Wishy-washy is that you? what happen to your older account? the wishy washy one? got reported right? do you want it to happen again?

@Fujoneko?? the bitch?? i love animals but i think you are excemption