Sobbing his words were bullets to my heart
We don't give a fuckkkk, go awayyy
Second couple will forever hold a special place in my heart. They're so gentle with each other
This story was so promising in the beginning ☹ I'm so disappointed. I thought I'd get a cute romantic story.
Majority of us thought we'd be getting a romantic story tbh
Author needs to create more stories with babies
The professor is sooo damn fineeeeee
I hope author shows us Dan being all happy without JK for once , why his happiness gotta depend on Jk only
on a brighter side, it seems that his sadness isn't because he misses Jk but heavy on him feeling guilty. It's better than foolishly being torn between going back because he likes him or smthing
They way I'd snatched that knife and stabbed him broo...Also how tf are the police so goddamn useless I'm sooo mad.
Started sooo good but that misunderstanding was crazy af
Awww i wished we could see noah x juho as well
Sobbing his words were bullets to my heart