I never would've expected that ending tbh, but I ate it up nonetheless. Oh, I love the idea of loving someone through any life that you have, in different forms, sighs. My ass can't relate.
Happy for them but I wish there was a side story cause my god.
Finished it in a day and what I want to talk about is how fast it was. I think it needed more chapters but it's kinda story that's lighthearted but it's a happy endi- NO!! I NEED MY SIDE STORIES PLEASE
Bro why is it after 100+ chapters their relationship is still failing I'll read this again after a while bcs damn wdym I spent almost a day for this AND still nothing?
Came back after dropping this and bro what is happening, all the other manhwas that came before this already ended and all the other manhwas that came after this ended as well. AND she's still a kid??? Bro.....,,,
I love how she didn't stayed in that country and instead went away to strengthen herself and comeback. This would be a great time to make her father realize tbh
I wanted to read fluff with a little sexy on the side.. I didn't expect to be flooded with the sadness of their past lives on the side chapters. Oh man, to have a man like Sungyeon, waiting for you at each life time kms.
I never would've expected that ending tbh, but I ate it up nonetheless. Oh, I love the idea of loving someone through any life that you have, in different forms, sighs. My ass can't relate.
Happy for them but I wish there was a side story cause my god.