"don’t wanna"
Lmfaoo I love her!! Also y’all complaining ab the ml but he’s literally one of the best ones out there
(He also got red hair )

Judith: https://i.imgflip.com/33sr7r.png
"don’t wanna"
Lmfaoo I love her!! Also y’all complaining ab the ml but he’s literally one of the best ones out there
(He also got red hair )
Judith: https://i.imgflip.com/33sr7r.png
i feel so much for penelope, like her story is so freaking heartbreaking and the fact that she has to deal with it twice (with her original family and now) must be so hard. i just want her and kallisto tg to heal
LITERALLY!! I really hope in the end, her and kallisto find a way to both be happy. IF NOT ILL BAWL MY EYES OUT.