I saw a yt video with the 177013 reference and being the curious dumbass I am, I searched it up and then this came up and again I got too curious and said how bad could it possibly be and then I viewed some of the example pictures and then I decided fuck it I’m reading it and now here I am. It’s not the weirdest I’ve ever seen but of course my heart got really heavy at the last bit before her overdose and I can’t imagine living like that because of the constant guilt and looks she gets but I didn’t cry. The fact that poor people like this exist hurts me so much and of course I wish they live a happy time in their next or after life. I can’t imagine the pain the character and real people who experience this went through. Anyways I’ll just push this into the deepest parts of my never going to read again reading lists and never look at it again. Thanks for reading this rant, have a lovely day person or alien or wtvr u are <3