I'm Otakus
From Jamaica
High school
Yaoi/BI for life
If you don't like reading Yaoi/BI manga.. it's not our fault, just click off this website and leave
This is the Anime country, warning 'if you don't like these types, you know what to do'
Put God first :)
I some times ask dumb questions, act dumb, and sometimes DON'T have any sense
I know they are not real, (Anime Characters) and Animesexual is not a thing... but I'm attracted to them :(
I wish Anime characters where real...
Otakus :) always
(and some men i guess)
im fucked up ook
I love reading manga
And I'm also
A WEEB!!!!
So have a good day love you all!!
. . .
And all soooo a BL FANN!
I enjoy reading comics
less nor more
21(f). bi. sea. some boring rat.
too tired to be chronically
online anymore.
fave genres: horror, seinen,
psychological, action
don't fucking come for me
I'm trying my best.
fujos / dl;dr headasses dni.