I'm so confused PLEASEE send help UwU

okay..so i’ve read some comments from other people, and after reading the chapters i think i can understand what’s going on. i think she’s trying to get revenge for her boyfriend’s suicide. the two guys she’s sleeping with might have something to do with his suicide. she changed her identity so they probably wouldn’t recognize her, and became a prostitue in order to get closer to them. she’s probably trying to get some dirt on them so she can probably expose those secrets to the public and ruin their lives..? that’s what i think.

BUTTT dont make cain the bad guy :((( please author :((( even if cain wont be the one for jooin please dont make cain do something bad that will push jooin to be with yahwi :((
i dont mind if u make yahwi change and be a goo person and repent u noe butt dont MAKE cain the bad guyyyyyy at least its better if cain and jooin became best friends or something just not the bAD guY