Dude .. i literally laughing when he give the kiss in the last chap . Tht time i realized her first kiss goes to ml
Aww man , my heart broken.. well if the author say so .. wht can i do .. i just hope this manga be pick by someone out there
Wow tht prince piss me off .. wht the fac- boy .. hey u better not insult her mother .. she didn't even know if her mother live or not .. beside she still doesn't seem to know her goal even living with Duke ಡ ʖ ಡ
Kyaa , tht bby playing .. wow i respect tht old man .. he just took a glance amd he knew that not there bby .. 0w0
Thts my granpa
If he going to steal or even see my baby , u better watch out of me .. you should pray for your mistake bro (ㆁωㆁ)
I'm gonna blame jibril if amine dont have happy ending .. i will hunt him down .. also tht
Jakarta or whatever his name is ..
I feel like .. blank .. the memes already tell my feelings ..
I should have relationship .. but somehow im afraid if my hobby is reading such kind of MANGA , lmao . Wht face he will show me when i told them i read shonen ai plus yaoi
Tht is it ! Where my pistol , WHERE MY PISTOLS .. IM GONNA KICK THERE ASS .. SUCH UNMATURE .. why they have to be shout like they far from each other .. are they stupid .. i just i just .. AGH-
Hey author .. you really made a good job on pairing the ml and fl using time travel huh~... Since it's a good beginning .. i give u my support and love ... Wkkwkwkw .. soo jelly but I'm serious